Chapter 1: January

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"Alright then. It's settled!" Hanji basically screams. "The two of you will compete against one another to see who can take down the most titans. Resulting in who is Humanity's Strongest Soldier."

"Alright shorty, what do you want if you win?" You smirk at Levi, "When I win, brat, you'll have to be my personal assistant for a month," Levi says, glaring at you with his silver eyes.

"A month?" You ask, shaking your head in disbelief. "Exactly," He says, his arms crossing across his chest. "Fine, but when I win, I want --"

"Him to be your sex doll for a month?" Hanji cuts you off, and you quickly shoot her a glare. "Hanji! No! Jesus where did you come up with that?" You ask, as you feel your face turning red. Hanji opens her mouth to speak, but you quickly silence her by putting your hand up. "I don't even want to know. That's not what I was going to say," You mutter looking at Levi.

"Then spit is out (L/n)." Levi scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Shut up Hanji," You quickly say, before she can spill anything else out from her mouth. "What I was going to say, is that when I win, you have to go on a date with me everyday for a month."

Levi's eyes widen slightly, before returning to their normal shape, "A month?" he asks, and you nod, "Or 31 days, in case we have to go on an expedition," you shrug.

He doesn't say anything for a moment, causing you to smirk. "What? You scared, Levi?" You smugly ask. "Not one bit." Levi says as he moves closer to you, your bodies merely inches apart, as he holds his pale hand out to you. You take his cold hand in yours as you shake on it.

"Let the games begin!" Hanji screams, causing you both to roll your eyes at her, before leaving the meeting room.


"Ha! Suck it Ackerman! I took down 15 titans today, which puts me at twenty and you at eighteen," You tease as you erase your old number off the chalkboard, and write your new one. "Oh wow. Congratulations," Levi says sarcastically, while folding his arms over his chest.

"Wow. You guys have only been going at this for a month and I already want it to be over," Miche says, as he sighs.

"Not me," Erwin says as he enters the meeting room, all of the Captains, and higher ups looking at him, surprised. "This friendly competition is going to drive them to take down as many titan as they can. Therefore, giving us a chance at freedom from behind the walls," The blonde commander states, before sitting in his seat at the head of the table.

"I don't think it's very friendly, sir," Moblit states shyly. "What are you talking about?" You and Levi snap at him in unison, before glaring at each other.

"Last week, (Y/n) and Levi started throwing things at each other in attempt to slow one another down, so the other could get to the titans first. (Y/n) threw a war ration at Levi, while Levi threw a ODM blade at (Y/n)." Moblit squeaks, trying to avoid the tension between the two squad leaders.

Everyone looked at Levi, "What? I missed on purpose," he defended.

A/N: I got inspiration after reading papichulo789's book 'The Bet' a Bucky Barnes X Reader. It'll be short story, to keep everyone occupied until I finish the next chapter of 'The Wings of Freedom'.

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