09 | Archer

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The man's eyes go from the unconscious woman in my arms to my eyes, his familiar green one's questioning.

"I didn't know who else to take her to." I say in reply to his silence.

Gary pushes the door open more, beckoning me in. "You chose well, boy. Get inside."

I clutch Holland's body closer to mine, stepping over the threshold of the closed bar, Gary shutting it behind me. He leads me through the bar and up the stairs, to the apartment.

He waves his hands to the bed, "Put her down, I'll call someone." I jostle her in my arms, wincing as her face scrunches up with pain, my own shoulder screaming.

Instead of placing her down, I take a seat on the mattress, moving Holland to sit on my lap, her chest against mine so her back is free to look at.

Gary comes back, holding a phone out to me.

"Call who you need." He says and I take the phone, not wanting to wake Holland with a call so instead I send a quick message off to Clay with our location.

A soft pained groan releases from Holland lips.

"When did you say your friend was coming?" I ask, the question directed to Gary.


"How soon?"

"When she gets here."

I blow out a breath, circling my shoulder to ease the pain, the movement jostling Holland, her eyes fluttering open.

The older man notices, "Girly, we've been worried about you." He bends down, eyes sweeping over her in concern. "You're injured." He states.

"All in a day's work, Gary." She mumbles.

"You're always getting yourself hurt." He mumbles.

"Gotta keep you on your toes, somehow."

"Well, stop."

She grins, her eyes finding mine before going to my shoulder, feeling the tenseness in my body.

"You're in pain." Her soft voice whispers along my senses.

I look down, finding those dark eyes on me, bleary with pain. "I don't need-"

"You're no use to anyone as a cripple, boy." Gary cuts me off.

My gaze cuts to his, and I nod. "Holland first."

He raises a brow, surprise evident as he looks to Holland.

"Haven't heard anyone call you that in a while." He mutters to her, and she shrugs, pushing off my chest. I help her move, settling her on the bed.

Jittery nerves begin to eat at me, and I get up, walking back and forth, eyes on the window.

"Sit down, no point pacing yourself to an early grave."

I blow out a staggered chuckle, slumping beside Holland on the bed. Her hands find mine, unwinding the fist I'd made with my fingers.

I turn to look at her, turning my hand up so I can hold hers in my palm.

"Stop worrying." Gary says offhandedly, his eyes lingering on our joined hands. Holland squeezes my fingers gently.

"I can't."


"I am."

"Try harder." Gary retorts.

I breathe out, looking at him from the corner of my eye and squeeze Hollands hand back, thumb rubbing small circles on her knuckle.

Movement catches my attention out the door and a man pushes it open, green eyes sweeping to Holland before finding Gary's, "We have company." He says lowly, eyes worried.

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