06 | Holland ✔️

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"This way is more efficient."

Archer pulls me back by the hips as I take a step forward and peak around the wall. It's clear. "That way is going to get us killed."

A shot of adrenaline hits me, feeling his fingers flex on my hips, forcing me to stay in front of him.

"Oh, stop being dramatic. C'mon." I reach back and grab his hand, dragging him out from our hiding spot. Though the only one doing the dragging is him as my body is still pretty weak.

We jog silently down the hallway towards the first door we find. I'm limping slightly but force myself to ignore it even as Archer wraps his bruised arm around me and helps. I can feel his attention on me, practically scorching the side of my face.

I don't look at him, staring straight ahead.

Putting my ear against the door, checking to make sure it's empty before twisting the knob and entering, I shut the door gently after Archer enters. We both lean against it, our breathing harsh and loud in our ears as we try to listen for any pursuit. Footsteps sound outside the door and I suck in a quick breath, feeling Archer do the same. They pass by us as a shout is heard down the hallway.

Closing my eyes tightly, I try and think of a plan but come up with nothing. I don't know where we are or the area.

We have just been turning down random hallways hoping they lead us outside but so far; we've had no luck. Archer pushes off the door and takes a step further into the room, his eyes scanning the contents.

I follow the movement, walking over to the lone table in the middle of the room and Archer joins me seconds later.

Files lay scattered on the surface, hundreds of them strewn all over the place. I pick one up and open it, scanning through the contents.

Subject #098431.

I pick up another.

Subject #065832

I grab another and another. Each file holds a photo and information of the picture's occupant. Most of them have a stamp across the image that reads 'CLASSIFIED.'

Picking up one more, hazel eyes stare up at me. A picture of Archer and his information within the folder I'm holding. On the photo in big red letters reads 'POSSIBLE SUBJECT.'

Feeling warmth at my neck, I turn and watch as Archer scans the paper. His hands coming up to retrieve the folder from my hands. His jaw clenches as he looks at the photo and reads the information below it.

"What is this?"

I look at it over his shoulder. "These are like the files I found at the Doctors house. The experiments."

He holds his own photograph in his hands, fingers scrunching the paper before he drops it.

He turns without a word and starts to quietly open up file cabinet after file cabinet but finds nothing.

"Let's go."

He nods, looking at me earnestly. "Stay by my side, please."

I don't argue, taking his hand when he holds it out.

He opens the door and searches the hallway. He doesn't look back at me as he exits, his hand squeezing mine before he slowly let's go, so we can rush without distraction.

Our footsteps are silent as we stalk along the path, our backs against the walls and facing each other.

I slow my breathing and Archer mimics me as we get to the end of the hallway and decide whether to turn left or right.

I point to the left and Archer nods his head for me to proceed. The ship is quiet, uncharacteristic but I shake it off and continue on.

Archer's heat radiates off him and caresses my back. The wounds throbbing in answer as we walk ahead, stopping only when a noise greets our ears.

I suddenly stop in my tracks and Archer almost crashes into me. Laying his hand delicately on my shoulder so as not to hurt me.

I point two fingers to the other end of the hallway and then to my ear.

He turns his head, focusing his attention on the opposite end of the hallway.

The footsteps finally reach his ears, and he grabs my arms, turns, and runs silently back the way we came.

I stop him with a hand on his shoulder as we reach the intersection we were at before. The sound of more footsteps from behind us and beside us.

Our eyes widen but we stay calm as we look for an escape. Archer having found one, drags me forward towards the hallway we haven't been down.

He pushes me gently up against the wall, or more specifically the alcove in the wall.

His chest presses against mine as we try to slow our beating hearts and regulate our harsh breaths. A hand slaps over my mouth seconds before the guard's march past us. Unknowingly helping in our escape.

My eyes meet Archer's as he removes his hand and gestures for me to stay still and silent. We listen for any incoming movement.

Voices echo down the hallway and caress our hearing. Archer's hands tightens around my waist. A woman's lilting voice interrupts the conversation.

"Check on the girl." Scarlett says. Hurried footsteps follow afterwards, their echo growing quieter as the seconds tick by.

Archer's eyes search mine, but I don't let him see past what I want him to see. He lets out a breath silently and loosens his hold.

"And bring me Archer." She directs to someone else, the 'Yes, ma'am' following afterwards. "I'm done playing."

I drop my eyes and listen to the retreating steps. We don't untangle from the embrace until the people are well out of sight or hearing range.

The silence of the area reaches us, and we turn in sync. Darting down hallway after hallway till we reach a similar door to the one we'd exited through last time.

I push it open and this time I'm not surprised by the salty air that caresses my cheeks. The wind dancing between our bodies.

Running through the threshold and out on to the deck, we slow, our steps silent on the ship.

Night had fallen, making it easier for us to conceal ourselves.

"I can't see anyone." Archer whispers towards me.

"Neither." I hush.

We stalk closer to the shipping containers we had hidden between last time. Winding between them until I see the edge of the ship. I grasp Archer's bicep and drag him over with me.

A docking bay forms in front of us, and I silently thank whoever decided to stay here. Not waiting to be caught we both climb over the fence separating us from freedom.

The water rolls below us, the darkness enough to let us know it is deep enough to save us. The swim is only a short distance from the shore and with one last look at each other,

We jump.

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