16 Holland

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I growl, grinding my teeth as I throw a punch at Archer. But he only smirks and dodges out of the way, hopping on the heels of his feet as he taunts me. Another week and a half has passed, and we'd begun training again

"C'mon Holland what happened to the feisty girl who I fought all those months ago?"

I looked at him deadpan. "Fuck off"

Archer's head falls back as he laughs.

Now I'm the one smirking as I lift my leg and forced it at his side.

The smirk falls quickly as he catches it in his grip, raising a condescending brow at me.

"Kick a man while he's distracted, why don't you?" He pulls my leg, so I hop towards him, his eyes twinkle as I narrow mine.

"Give me my leg." I warn.

"This leg?" He pulls it again. "This is my leg." He taunts as he pulls it once more, my body careening into his as I lose my footing.

His arms wrap around my waist as he looks down at me with those hazel eyes as I wince.

"Shit, sorry. Is your back okay?"

I let a pained grunt escape my lips and he let's go of me, letting my leg fall back to the ground.

"Here, let me look at it."

He takes a step forward and I grasp the opportunity, swinging my leg into his side.

He grunts as it makes contact, staggering back and glaring at me.

"And here I was thinking you were actually hurt." He grumbles, rubbing the side of his body.

"Too bad, so sad." I pout and nod my head toward him. "Get in position."

"You're very bossy today."

"You're the one that wanted to train."

"To strengthen you, not to give you a bigger ego."

I roll my eyes, turning my head to the door as it opens.

An elbow wraps around my neck, my back softly landing against a chest.

"Never turn your back on your opponent." Archer whispers mockingly and I smirk at Cleo as she shuts the door behind her.

Shoving my elbow into his abdomen, I grip his forearm and turn, twisting his arm with me.


"Never get to get too cocky with your opponent."

"Really, you are saying that?" He coughs.

I smirk, shoving my knee into his unprotected ribs. He staggers back, coughing and I see the slight limp in his leg. Using it to my advantage, I hook my foot around it and pull.

He drops to his knees on the mat in front of me.

"Rule number one darling, do not show weakness."

He narrows his eyes at me but chuckles. "Fine, you win."

I don't turn my back on him as I walk backwards away from him and towards the door.

"You look good on your knees, Archer." Cleo says through a laugh before turning to me, "Hair looks good."

I lift a hand to the strands, feeling them brushing my collarbone, the ends cut smoothly and in a straight line, the workings of Cleo fixing my impromptu haircut.

"Thankyou." I grin, my attention shifting to Clay as he walks into the room, his eyes finding mine, before moving to Archer's.

"I found the ship."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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