14 Holland

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Liam pouts, his eyes crinkling as he scrunches up his nose. Using his finger, he points to me then Cleo and makes a fist with his hand before finally making a fake gun with his fingers, shooting it and blowing on the end with a grin.

When I don't say anything straight away, he scoffs and does the motion again.

Clay coughs a laugh, covering his mouth and Archer glares over at him before looking back at Liam.

"What the fuck are you doing?"


I lift a brow, confused as he repeats the motion three times in rapid succession.

"No, seriously what the fuck are you doing?" Archer says again, looking toward Clay and finally Cleo for help.

We had been sitting at the kitchen discussing the files and Director when Liam bounced in silently. Shoved the papers to the ground and started playing a game of charades.

Finally, I feel sorry for him.

"Cleo and I corner Director, and torture the truth from him, before you shoot him."

"Yes!" He breathes out roughly as if he were holding his breath. "Cleo I'm revoking your best friend privileges. You didn't even try, you whore." He growls.

Cleo ignores him, twirling a pink curl around her middle finger. "How is that a good plan?" Cleo mumbles.

"I never said it was a good plan, where the hell did you get that?"

I roll my eyes, getting off the stool to pick up the papers scattered on the floor.

Clay finally sits his laptop back on the counter, glaring at Liam.

When Liam had come in, he'd tried to push it to the floor too. Thankfully, Clay caught it.

I don't think Liam would be alive right now if the laptop had broken.

"We need to find Scarlett." Archer mutters, his eyes on mine before he looks to Cleo and Clay. "She could tell us what we're missing."

"You said she wasn't entirely sane." Cleo reminds us.

"She's not." I reply, "But she's our only lead."

Clay breathes out before tapping at his computer, his eyes moving back and forth at the information on the screen.

"I've tracked down what ship it may have been, but the location device was turned off almost five months ago."

"You can turn it on, can't you?" Liam asks.

Clay breathes out, "I can, it may take a while though."

"It's fine." I say, "Do what you can."

"Where was the port you guys escaped from."

"I didn't check." Archer mutters. "It was about a two day drive east."

Clay nods, "That's enough information, I'll see what I can find."

It's silent for a while as Clay works, while Liam begins a new game of charades.

I'm fairly sure everyone is ignoring the game.

"Okay, Liam, let's go get lunch ready." Cleo says, causing Liam to quit his game.

"Can we make pizza?" Liam questions excitedly.


"Yes, okay you get the oven preheated and I'll call for delivery."

"Why am I preheating the oven if you are just going to order it?"

Liam sighs, exasperated. "Everyone knows that if you reheat the food, it means you practically cooked it. It's in like the constitution or some shit."

"Right." Cleo says slowly, glancing back at me with wide eyes. "I must have forgotten about that."

"Must have." I whisper, my cheeks hurt from holding in a chuckle as her eyes practically scream 'help me.'

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