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~Time skip one week later~

Giyuu POV

I was sitting in my chair at my desk sitting next to the window, zoned out . "Okay class today we have a new student please tell us your name and a interesting fact about yourself" I finally snap back into reality from my day dream. I look at the front of the class to see a pink and green haired girl with green eyes. And kinda revealing clothing. "My Name is Mitsuri Kanroji I have 2 cats" she Said "okay that's wonderful Mitsuri you can go sit next to Tomioka, Tomioka raise your hand please" I slowly raise my hand when the teacher said that. Then my annoying class mate that sits in front of me whispered "damn she has bazoongas" "Tengen you can't say that" I say with an annoyed expression while watching the girl slowly make her way up to were me and tengen sit.

Mitsuri POV

I was so nervous about going to a new school I barely got any sleep last night. I finally rolled out of bed snuggling a stuffy my grandma got for my birthday. I put on a pink skirt with white tights and a white crop top. I brush out my long pink and green hair and put it into 3 braids. I finally just threw on some mascara and lipgloss and run down the stairs almost falling.I get out my lunch box and start to pack myself some lunch and a little snack. I hop into my car and blast the song "Moonlight"by kali Uchis.

I finally arrived at Golden Dawn High I step out of the car waiting for Rengoku to come running out of the building. As soon as I'm about to call him I hear "HEY MITSURI IM COME HERE" I walk to the school were Rengoku is standing beside the main gate. "Hey Kyojuro" I replied " Do you think you can show me we're this class is?" "Of course I can, let me see you paper, oh looks like you have English with Mrs.smith" "Is she nice..." I replied " I have know idea but I know my best friend Tomioka is in that class so you should ask him" he says"Okay thanks ren I have to go now, I don't want to be late on my first day" "Bye Mitsuri" "Bye ren"

I'm walking down the halls trying to ignore all the people whispering in the hall. As I'm walking down the hall I accidentally bump into someone and fall to the ground. As I look up I see a boy with yellow and blue eyes and shoulder length hair. "Are you okay" he said as he reached his hand out to help me get up "yea I'm fine" I say as I grab his hand and get up. "Are you new here?" He said with curiosity at his tone "oh yes I am" I replied "do you need help finding your first class?" He said "Oh um yes actually" I said "let me see you schedule" he said "here"I replied ohh miss smith" "second classroom on the left" he said "OMG thank you so much😭" I said as I

As I'm walking down the hall "shit I forgot to ask his name" I said to myself. Before I knew it I was at the classroom.

I slowly walk into class and go to the teacher " hey my name is mitsuri and I'm new here"I said to miss smith "oh wonderful go introduce yourself to the class" she said

"Alright class settle down today we have a new student please introduce yourself and list one fun fact about you" Miss smith said "My name is Mitsuri Kanroji and I have 2 cats" I said nervously "that's wonderful Mitsuri you can go sit next to tomioka, tomioka raise your had" the teacher said with an annoyed tone.

I slowly start to walk to where the teacher told me to sit, I finally sit down next to the black haired male. "Hi!" I said trying to sound not nervous "hey" I get back "I think we met when we where younger because my cousin is Rengoku and your his bestfriend right?" I replied to him "yes thats tru-" as he got cut of "ARE YOU SINGLE!!???" A white headed man blurted out. As I was about to reply "TENGEN HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY NOT TO BE A PERVERT" He said as he smacked him in the back of his head, I giggled a little when he did this "wait I know you tomioka but what's your name"I said to the very um sparkly man "IM TENGEN UZUI" "can you shut up" tomioka said


Qiyuu POV

Everyone started to pack up and so did I but I decided to stay behind to wait for Tengen and Mitsuri "ok next we have gym, but I'm skipping gym because today is the pacer test, you guys can come idrc" I said, the truth is I like company but I don't really like to show emotion after my dad and sister died in a car crash. "MY DEAR FRIEND TOMIOKA YOU CAN COUNT ME IN" the flashy man said with excitement all over his face " I guess you can count me in" the green eyed girl said "were are we gonna go though" mitsuri said "just follow me and tengen" Giyuu said

AN: I might post later today or tomorrow 😁👍

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