-Nature walk-

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AN before we start, I'm sorry for not updating in a while I got really sucked into a show but I decided to do this. Also i have no idea when I'll update because I'm going to the beach and a Theme park 🤠👍  so enjoy ig

Qiyuu POV 

I was walking out of the back door so the annoying ass teachers wouldn't see us. I pushed open the door and got tapped on the shoulder. I turned around because I knew that wasn't tengen or mitsuri. I have to look around but then I finally look down to see kocho

"What do you want kocho" "don't be so mean, were are you going" "somewhere to get away from your annoying ass" I said in a cold tone "let me tag along with you since you have no friends" 

Mitsuri POV 

Is she blind I'm right here I'm his friend, me and Tengen both are, I thought to myself with rage in my eyes

"Excuse me lady I have no idea who you are but we are his friends so you need to stop being so rude" I said while pointing at me and Tengen "listen here you pig you need to my your own goddamn business" she said with a nasty tone a nasty look on her face

                                  "I'm not that fat am I?"

Tengen POV

"Hey you slut don't call my friend that she is not a pig she is beautiful" I said with a confident tone "Also Tomioka is my friend, and just because your insecure doesn't mean you have to take it out on other people" I said with my head up proudly "fine whatever go fuck yourselves I'll go hang out with with someone else" she said with an ugly tone 

"Finally she's gone I was getting annoyed, are you okay Kanroji?" "Yea Im fine but that kinda hurt my feelings" the pink/green headed girl said " I'm glad your okay,are you okay Qiyuu?" I said with a curious tone "Yes I'm okay thanks for sticking up for me" the raven head said 

Giyuu POV 

Finally she's gone I thought to myself "okay let get going" I said as I opened the door "KYAAA I'm so excited" we all exited the building and went to were the soccer feild was "is this were we are staying  I don't really want to play soccer" she said in an annoyed tone "to answer your question we are not playing soccer, we are going down that trail behind the soccer field" I said "oh okay, tengen can I get on you back my legs are kinda tired from the walk?" Mitsuri said "ofc my flashy friend" the flashy man said 

"Okay let's go" I said as we started to make our way down the trail when mitsuri got distracted by a bunny "KYAAAA ITS SO CUTE IM GONNA PICK IT UP." she said so loudly while jumping of Tengen's back, I wouldn't be surprised if we got caught "MITSURI NO IT MIGHT HAVE RABIES" Tengen said in a loud voice "NO IM PICKING IT UP, aww your so cute I'm bringing you with us" "GUYS COME ON WE ARE ALMOST HERE"I said "COMING" they both yelled in sync

Obanai POV

I normally come here with Sanemi to skip math, so I normally lay down in the flowers as the sun hit my face to make me feel warm or I read a book to get lost into a fake world. But as for Shinazugawa he runs around and works out to stay fit or whatever. But something I find so funny is that one of his exercises is chasing birds. 

It was all calming until I hear screaming from a far "KYAA WE ARE ALMOST THERE"  "I can't be the only one that heard that, did you here that?" "Yea I do who do you think it is" the scarred male said "I don't know, well see when they get over here" I said in a sleepy voice "I guess, I'm gonna go back and do my push-ups now" "okay whatever"

Mitsuri POV

"KYAAAA" I said as me and tengen were racing to the flower field "I'm gonna beat you Kanroji" "um no you won't" "um yes I will" we said to each other "GUYS be careful you might trip" I heard from behind us "HAHA I WON BEAT THAT" Tengen said "Whatever"  I said, though he his fast for his height and weight. Until I see two people, one I recognized from earlier and one male I didn't "G-guys you *coughs* left me" giyuu said out of breath while coughing "sorry tomioka-san we didn't mean to" I said in a apologetic tone "oh you did to you literally ran away, whatever I don't care" 

"Qiyuu POV 

I was to busy coughing until I here tengen say "OH HEY IGURO AND SHINAGUZAWA I DIDNT KNOW YOU GUYS WOULD BE HERE TO" he said, I nearly choked when I heard the name shinaguzawa "oh hey Uzui wussup"the heterochromia eyed male said, I look up and see shinaguzwa doing push-ups SHIRTLESS??!!!??! I thought I was dreaming "hey is giyuu okay his face is all red" I heard mitsuri say "Oh he is more than okay-😏" the flashy male said "SHUT UP" I screamed "damn what's up with him he looks sick, I hope he doesn't throw up" Obanai said "idk"Sanemi said

Sanemi POV (sorry for all the pov switching 😭)

I was doing my push ups until I finally decided to stand up to see tomioka on the GROUND alongside with tengen and a girl I didn't recognize. The girl looked so concerned but tengen was just smirking back and forth at me and qiyuu. I don't know what he was trying to signal but I didn't really care. I finally decided to approach them "so what's your name?" I said in a curious tone "OH I'm Mitsuri Kanroji" the girl said "ok nice ig"  "HEY do you have any food I'm kinda hungry" I said to iguro while walking back to him "yea here a got a sandwich and a rice crispy treat" "How do you have a rice crispy treat aren't those are from America?" I said in a confused voice "Amazon" he replied "oh ok" I said as I took the sandwich from his hand and started eating it 

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