-school pick up-

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Hey guys💀 so um, I've been gone for a little bit, and i decided i want to continue this story even tho nobody told me too😭. SO HOPE YOU ENJOY🙉

Nobodys pov

Sure, but first we have to pick up my little brother...

"YOU HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER GIYUU-SAN?" the pink haired girl said in shock while exitment grew in her eyes while she started jumping up and down

"Yea.." the raven said in slight embarrassment

"What grade is he in??" The excided girl said while she was confused."He's in 8th, but we need to hurry and go pick him up. "

"O-OH okay, BUT WHAT ABOUT MY CAR?' The green eyed girl said half worried and surprised

"Just leave it here because you'll be with me all weekend, so you can just get it on monday, okay?" The raven said calmly

"Okay, i guess that makes sense."

"OH MY GOSH WERE GONNA VE LATE FOR PICK UP COME ON MISTURI," he said with worry written all over his face as they ran to go get in his 2017 honda accord

            -  Time skip at the middle school -

"Okay, we're here, and i see the kid," giyuu said as he was pulling into the parking lot

"WHERE IS HE??" Kanaroji said with exitement


Muichiro went up to the car and started pounding on the window on the drivers side

"Hey yuu do you mind if my friend comes over- DAMN I DIDNT KNOW YOU PULLED LIKD THAT I THOUGHT YOU WERE GA-" muichiro said while looking and pointing at mitsuri while giyuu slapped him on the side of his head

"Geez, u need to learn how to shut up." He was trying to say before getting cut off

"KYAA UR SO CUTE!!" misturi said while kicking her feet in the chair

"Sure, you know I dont care,but whose the person you want to let come over?" Giyuu said while ignoring mitsuri

"It's tanjiro," he said with a blank emotion (IK HES OLDER BUT LET PRETEND TANJIO IS YOUNGER IN THIS AU")

"Ok, hey tanjiro, hop in," he said to him because hes come over a bunch of times before,while mui and tanjiro hopped in the back

"Soo whos the yuu~ " he said while smirking

"My friend, mui-" he said while starting the car back up, obviously annoyed

"HI IM MITSURI KANAROJI," she said, yelling louder than the raido

"Damn, you're loud," muichiro said while plugging his ears and looking over at tanjiro to see he was covering his ear too

"Uh um your really pretty, ms.kanaroji!" tanjiro said, trying to switch the subject

"Ahh, thank you, tanro, tajro..." she said, trailing of because she forgot kamados' name

"OH, I'm Tanjiro kamado, and this is Muichiro Tokito." If you didn't know that already, "

"Well, thank you, tanjiro," while she had a concerned look on her face while looking at qiyuu

"What?" the raven said, focused on the road

"Um, uh, why do you and muichiro have different last names..?" She said while covering her mouth bc she didn't mean to sound rude

"Oh let's just say our mother was a little bit of a whore..." he said with a completely straight face

"Oh I'm sorry that was none of my business anyway" she said while looking down

"Nah it's oka- WHAT IS THIS FUCKING IDIOT DOING" he was saying before cutting himself off while swerving the car so he doesn't hit the other car

"Is everyone alright" he said kinda gasping for air while pulling up to misturis apartment

"Y-yea" everyone said still frozen in shock

"Well we're here, Mitsuri go in and grab your stuff" the blue eyed man said while calming down

Mitsuri opend the car door and stepped outside and fell bc she was trembling so bad

Muichiro snapped out of his trance and his eyes shot open "HAHAHA" he said laughing while mitsuri fell on the ground while receiving a smack on his thigh by tanjiro

"mui please stop laughing that not funny" tanjiro said with straight concern on his face

Muichiro stopped laughing and started feeling bad while giyuu hopped to help mitsuri up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for helping me up."

"Sure, anytime," he said nervously, blushing (NOT IN A WEIRD WAY)

"Do you want me to come inside with you, mitsuri-san?"

"UM SURE!, but it's a little messy..."

"Ahh, that's fine. I live with muichiro for crying out loud."

"HEY I HEARD THAT SHITFACE" muichiro said but was clearly holding back his laugh

Tanjiro and muichrio watched as they went inside her apartment complex.

"Are you excited for the sleepover!" Tanjiro said with excitement

"Yea of course I am, but I have a feeling that uzui will crash the party again and bring a few friends. He said while scrolling on his phone

"When has that happened?"

"Ehh, it was about a year ago, rengoku came over and, of course, had to tell uzui"

"What whos uzui?" The red-haired boy said, confused

"The tall white-haired guy?" Muichiro said


"Anyways, so Rengouku told Uzui and Uzui brought a few friends over from school. Their names were Sanemi and obanai. And of course Tengen had to bring fucking alcohol so they all got drunk, so it was this whole thing AND I HAD TO TAKE CARE OF THEM." Muichiro said starting to get angry

"That's actually insane" tanjiro said while stroking muichiro's hair to calm him down

"I know right, hey ook there back" he said while look at giyuu

Giyuu popped the trunk open and put her bags in because he offered to carry them

"I don't understand why you need 3 freaking bags." The deep eyed boy said

"I'm just a girl tomioka" she said smiling

"Ugh let's just go" he said while closing the trunk and walking around to the front of the car to open the door and get in

He turned around to see muichiro leaning his head on tanjiro's shoulder. aw he couldn't help but think while turning the car on and pulling out of the parking lot

- Time skip at muchiro and giyuu's house -

"Okay, we're  here," tomioka said

"AHH IM EXCITED," she said while running to the front door and waiting for giyuu to unlock it

"Hey, are yall coming?" He said to tanjiro while unlocking the door as mitsuri ran inside

"Yea, we'll be in a few minutes."

"Okay then," giyuu said, going to the trunk and getting mitsuri stuff and going back inside

Tanjiro pulled muichiro out of the car and put him on his back because he fell asleep during the ride and walked inside

Okay, guys, I think I'm gonna end it here. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter, and I'll try and get the next one uploaded soon

But I love yall bye!!🩷🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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