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E P I S O D E  3 0 [√]p a g e  t h i r t y  :  T H E  B R E A K I N G  D A M

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E P I S O D E  3 0 [√]
p a g e  t h i r t y  :  T H E  B R E A K I N G  D A M

"huh? why are you saying sorry? it's fine!" rindou laughed cheerily, no smear of disappointment shown on his face as he patted takemichi's bum gently. "you're not obligated to watch our every move during the game."

"that's right." haruchiyo monotonously added.

"if it was an official match, baka oo mag-tampo ako." [maybe yes i'd get upset.] ran sat on the futon before leaning back, his head dropping on the blond's lap. "i make mistakes during practice match. good thing di mo nakita yon. nakakahiya." [good thing you didn't see it. embarrassing.] ran chuckles as he brings his phone up.

"but you did watch, right?" rindou leaned to him, eyes sparkling in anticipation.

"yes! of course i did!" takemichi did watch some of it. the first seconds and the last moments. his talk with mucho wasn't that long so he did watch almost the whole game despite his mind trying to wander off somewhere else. "rindou's dribbling technique is really something else."

a blush bloomed on the two-tone haired boy as he watched the boy unintentionally show his bunny teeth as he smiled widely along his compliment. "keep up the good work, rinrin."

ran shot up from his position. "pano ako? di mo man lang ico-compliment defense ko?" [what about me? you won't compliment my defense skills?]

"hmm i don't think you're good at defense." takemichi hummed as he tapped his chin, oblivious to the obvious slump that ran did. "you're more on drive. you're really fast that your opponent can't easily catch up to you. which is amazing." the blond beamed.

it was as if the tears that threatened to fall from ran's eyes quickly went up and back to its sockets. "thank you."

"haru's sharp shooting and 3 points are really amazing too!"

the boy made a violent flinch at the sudden compliment. good thing his back was facing them or else they'd see how red his face got. "thanks."

"yiee kunwari di kinikilig!" [yiee he's acting like he's not thrilled!] rindou cackled, teasing the cream haired male who aggressively threw his pillow straight to the boy's laughing face, instantly cutting him off.

the two began to throw pillows at each other, messing up the room but they could care less whether they get scolded or run 10 laps around the school.

𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩 . various / takeWhere stories live. Discover now