The List...

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1. my name's alex

2. i am 13 butalmost 14 in a month and 12 days

3. i am in 8th grade

4. i am going through a love crisis

5. i am either in love with....

5.adam-a lifetime firend who is in 9th grade, but is 16

6. drew-the hottest guy in my school and use to like me when we were in 2nd grade

7. nat- 3 of my friends ex but h is realy cute and charming

8. the 8th rade dance is 1 month and 11 days away...and i still have no date

9. i don't know if any of the guys i like like me back

10. they all have chances

11. adam yelled at his brother to move so he could see me in front of his friends and his family

12. i aways see drew checking me out when i go down to the bus stop

13. i also find nat staring at me alot in class...especially gym

14. no one knows i like any of these guys...not even my bff hannah

15. gabi is in leit love with nat...even though they broke up on christmas eve

16. drew is to hot for my average looks

17. i have brown hair

18. never trust parents with to much

19. don't tell hannah you like adam when mom isn't at work

20. don't tell hannah you like anyone

21. when hannah deciedes to talk to adam flip out

22. when a friend of your cousins friend requests you of facebook don't click confirm

23. they will tell you how hot you are then no admitt they lie you

24. especially if they are younger then you

25. dont tell hannah about him

26. don't give her his name

27. when she talks to him too through another fit

28. when adam's dad dies and you hug him let go even if you don't want to

29. mom will remeber your accidental reaviling about likeing adam

30. she will almost tell his mom

31. when nat asks gabi to he dance don't get mad

32. the bitch will probably say no anyway

33. she did say no

34. when nat and his best friend jerry deciede to block you in a corner when geting a dictonary in reading don't get angry

35. when your only escape is by crawling under a desk still don't get upset

36. nat was staring at your butt the whol time you were crawling

37. the teacher yelled at them when she asked why i was on the ground crawling

38. when you see a boy wearing a wolf mask at the gym don't say hey

39. when you do say hey dn't tell him your name

40. when you do say your name and he later friend requests you on facebook don't confirm

41. when you do confirm don't give him your cell

42. when you do and find out he is 16 don't be afraid

43. when he starts asking about all the guys you've been with tell him the truth

44. when you tell him none and he says your innocent..don't be scared

45.when he says he wants to be your first kiss be afraid

46. then block his number

47. your ipod will be your escape to happiness.. always!

48.nat asked gabi to the dance again..she said yes

49. pretend to be happy and later draw her face on a piece of paper and rip it to shreads

50. if you thought this was alot of tips wait till the next list comes out....

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