30 0 1

51. i have very bright blue eyes

52. being the most athletic girl in your gym class is good

53. being picked first in all gym games and activites is also good

54. when you are picked first for a racing game don't be upset that nat was next to pick

55. when you are versing nat and two other very first guys go easy on them

56. you don't want to beat a guy at a sport

57. when you beat all of them even though you went easy on them don't feel embarresed

58. when drew knocks you down in the hall don't expect an apology

59. when he says sorry and even helps you up don't blush

60. when talking to adams sister and she odly starts calling you a looser and a fatty don't say aanything dumb

61. it was adam saying those things

62. guys are mean to girls they like...right?

63. when nat takes your sock shapped change purse at lunch dpn't be embarresed

64. when he makes you jump up and down don't get nervous

65.  don't blush when you see he is looking at your boobs move when you jump

66. when he gives you your change purse don't stick your tongue out at him

67. when you do run away

68. when you run away run slow so he'll catch you

69. when he grabs you from behind don't blush

70. try not to smile when you see gabi glaring at you

71. don't think about the fact that you have a 8th grade dance dress and not a date

72. when hannah tries to hook you up woth some weird id in your class don't kill her

73. when your mom finds you trying to kill her don't be upset...i hear juvies bad anyway

74. be happy when you visit your cousins for the weekend

75. when you play cod with your cousin matt and his friends be happy

76. when matt introduces you don't blush

77. whne they whistle and call you hot still don't blush

78. when they badly flirt don't laugh

79. when the one hot one tries to teach you how to play let him

80. when you find out your other cousin morgan likes the hot one deciede to try to hook them up

81. when you succed your mission reward your self to extra rockyroad ice cream

82. rocky road icecream cure all problems...well intill it melts atleast

83. wonder if you'll ever get your first kiss.

84. you take notice in your below average looks

85. you have bright blue eys, dark curly brown shoulder lengh hair, you weigh 80 lbs and are 5 foot

86. talk to hannah every night for about 3 hours

87. when your cat makes you accidently call adam hang up

88. whne you don't hang up just say hi

89. when you end up talking for an hour be ahppy

90. when adam invites you to his birthday party at a teenagers club be happy

91. when he askes you to dance during a slow song be very very happy

92. when you wake up the next morning or rather afternoon don't go down satiars because you hear you're mom talking to peole

93. when you do go downstairs wearing your pjs, very very short floral shorts and a little orange tank top, and have your hair in a messy pony tail don't be embarressed

94. when you see adam and his family down stairs don't blush

95. when adams eyes go big staribg at your barely covered body be happy

96. when you say i'll be right back i'll just get change take notice in adams slightly sad expression

97. when adam starts tickling you be happy

98. whenever he touches you spars are sent through your body

99. when you dream about someone that means THAT PERSOn went to sleep thinking about YOU

100. i've dreampt about adam for 2 weeks strat now



(next list up soon!!!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2011 ⏰

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