Chapter 7

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Kai's Point of View

I woke up early, my head still wrapped in bandages. Sighing, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked and felt tired. The pain of the seal still ached, even though it had been a few hours. I wrapped my forehead protector around my neck as always and frowned. I thought about what Neji-Nii had said, considering his suggestion. Sighing again, I moved my forehead protector to my forehead, covering the bandages, although they were still a little visible in the back. Shrugging, I put on my regular clothes, aware that we were going to be training. Too tired, I left my hair loose, letting the straight brown hair fall. I hadn't realized how long my hair had gotten, but I didn't really care that much.

My hair now reached my mid-back, laying on my shoulder blades. I walked out of my house, leaving a note for my mother so that she wouldn't worry. A couple of other people in the Hyuga Compound were awake, their lights on and shining through the windows. The sun was high in the sky and the warm breeze that blew felt nice on my skin as it blew my hair slightly. I reached Hinata's house, nervous about coming in contact with Hiashi-Sama. Luckily, Hinata was already awake and walking over to me, a slightly worried look on her face.

"Kai Nee-San... My father said he activated your seal when he found you in the house at night. A-are you alright?" Hinata spoke softly, her eyes shining with guilt and worry. I shrugged it off, smiling through the sharp pains I felt in my head.

"Don't worry Hinata-Nee! I'm fine, it just hurts a bit... but, it's bearable." I gave her a reassuring smile, though I'm not sure she was convinced. We walked to the training grounds together, a comfortable silence settling over us.

"K-Kai Nee-San?" Hinata said, making me turn to her, "Will you be able to train today?" She nervously pressed her two index fingers together, a habit she had always had. I knew what she was referring to. The recover time for when the seal was activated varied, though it was mostly 3-7 days. I knew it was a bad idea to be up, let alone training, but I didn't want to be behind and I wanted to train my Byakugan and Gentle Fist. As we reached the training grounds, we saw that Shino was there, as well as Kurenai-Sensei, but Kiba hadn't arrived yet. Soon enough, Kiba had arrived, out of breath and panting as Akamaru ran beside him.

"S-sorry for being late..." Kiba was still panting as Kurenai-Sensei smiled at him reassuringly.

"Now that everyone is here, we can start training. Hinata and Shino spar while Kiba and Kai spar. I'll make sure no one gets seriously hurt." Kurenai-Sensei explained, her kind red eyes looking at all of us. We nodded and began sparring.

My stomach swirled with nervousness as I thought of the outcome of our mini battle. Hinata gave me a look out of the corner of her eye, warning me not to go overboard. I smiled at her slightly, the pain in my forehead just as searing as before, if not, it hurt more than before. I activated my Byagukan, knowing it would switch on and off during the battle. It would be a hard fight, seeing as Kiba specialized in long range attacks, while I specialized in close range attacks. Since I had activated my Byakugan, the pain was even more extreme than before. "Are you okay?" Kiba's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I nodded, a look of determination on my face as I got in the stance for Gentle Fist. I managed to block on of his chakra points before my Byakugan turned off and the pain came back stronger than before. The edges of my vision turned black, but I shook it off, attempting to reactivate my Byakugan. I felt dizzy and my knees felt weak, like they would give out any second. I saw Hinata's panicked face out of the corner of my eye and watched as she alerted Kurenai-Sensei, breaking up her mini battle with Shino and running towards me. At this point, Kiba had stopped fighting, looking at me with a mix of worry and confusion in his eyes. My ears rang and black spots danced across my field of vision before my knees gave out and I fell, my world becoming dark.

Author's Note
I know I haven't updated in a while, I had writers block, but I'll try to update more frequently. With summer coming, updates should be more frequent. Anyway, tweNtyonEpiLots6 helped with this chapter. We also have a Shino Love Story that we're co-writing on her account called "Beetle in the Shadows" so check it out!

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