Chapter 2 : Marcus is back

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The sound reverberated through the sterile walls, echoing the weight of her captivity. She strained her ears, and the familiar beep of a security system reached her, signaling the need for a staff member to scan their badge to grant entry. It was a stark reminder of the controlled environment she was in where every movement was restricted.

A flicker of anxiety washed over her as she observed him. His countenance seemed clouded with frustration and weariness, evident in the furrowed lines on his forehead. The unease in her chest grew, unsure of how he would react to her presence. Marcus approached the room, pushing a medical trolley filled with supplies. His tired eyes and furrowed brow hinted at a troubled morning. He left the trolley, it parked just outside. Kate's gaze inadvertently fell upon the trolley, revealing a collection of disposal care items, including diapers, laid out in plain sight.

At that moment, Marcus misinterpreted Kate's inquisitive gaze as a sign of aggression, triggering a defensive response within him. He approached her cautiously, his eyes shifting between her and the restraints. Ensuring everything was secure, he tightened the straps, leaving little room for movement. With a cold tone, he said:

"Hello. Are you staying calm?"

Feeling a mixture of fear and vulnerability, Kate nodded meekly, her voice barely asked:

"Hello Marcus. Can have water please?"

Marcus, slightly reassured by her submissive response, remained on high alert. Folding the sheet that covered her, he lifted her overall to inspect the state of her diaper, his eyes scanning for signs of wetness or discomfort. All the wetness indicator change of color and the waterproof mattress was soil by her sweating. In a detached manner, he said:

"You are completely wet, Kate. I give you water and I have to wash your body."

Kate's heart raced as she watched Marcus leave the room, the weight of her dependency and the uncertainty of her circumstances weighing heavily on her mind. She longed for a moment of respite, a glimmer of kindness or understanding amidst the clinical surroundings.

As Kate closed her eyes, attempting to find solace within herself, she couldn't help but be aware of the sound of Marcus rummaging through the supplies on the nearby trolley. Her ears perked up, focusing on every movement, every rustle of the items he handled. The uncertainty of what awaited her next fueled her anxiety, making her heart beat faster within her chest.

Marcus approached her cautiously, holding an undersheet, a fresh diaper, and a wash wipe. Placing them within reach, he instructed Kate to open her mouth. Her eyes fluttered open, and she gazed upon the glass with a drinking straw. In that moment, a pang of longing washed over her as she dreamed of sipping water from a normal glass, unaided by anyone else. The simple act of independence felt like a distant memory.

Reluctantly, Kate cooperated and parted her lips, allowing Marcus to gently guide the straw into her mouth. The cool water flowed through the straw, offering a small respite from the dryness in her throat. As she drank, she couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability, the need to rely on another person for even the most basic of needs.

With every sip, her gaze involuntarily shifted towards the medical items that lay so close to her head. The sight of them heightened her apprehension, as she feared what would come next. Marcus, sensing her unease, remained on high alert, his eyes carefully watching her every move, ready to respond at a moment's notice.

Kate's mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. Would Marcus handle her with care and compassion, or would his frustration and weariness overshadow his interactions? The uncertainty of her situation cast a shadow over her, filling her with a sense of trepidation and a fear of the unknown

As the last drop of water trickled down her throat, Kate's longing for autonomy intensified. Marcus removes the straw and brings back the glass on the trolley. Kate mustered up the courage to speak, hoping for some empathy or understanding. She pleaded with voice trembling:

"Marcus, please, I need to use the restroom."

He glanced at her with an indifferent expression, his frustration evident. "Sorry, Kate, but I can't release you without the doctor's approval," he replied curtly.

"I'm truly sorry, Marcus, to hit you." Said with compensation. "I'm not myself. But I need to poop. I understand, you can't remove the restraint. But you could remove my diaper and put a bedpan. Please ?"

Kate's desperation grew as Marcus start to unknot the tie under her neck. She mustered up the courage to speak again, her voice trembling with urgency.

"Marcus, please, I really need to use the restroom. I can't... I can't hold it any longer," Kate pleaded, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Marcus sighed, his expression softening slightly as he empathized with her distress. He knew that her discomfort was genuine, but his hands were tied by the rules and procedures in place. He tried to put aside his frustration and adopt a more formal tone.

"Kate, I understand that you're distressed, but you don't know all the protocol. You've been placed in an isolation room, and for safety reasons, we cannot have any light furniture in there. Until the doctor authorizes your return to a regular room, I'm afraid there's not much I can do," Marcus explained, his voice tinged with sympathy during he removed her overall and fall it on the floor.

Tears welled up in Kate's eyes as she realized the severity of her situation. She had never felt more vulnerable or helpless. But amid her despair, she recognized Marcus's willingness to listen and understand, even if his hands were tied.

"Please, Marcus, I can't bear this anymore. I'm begging you," Kate pleaded, her voice filled with desperation.

As tears welled up in Kate's eyes, her plea echoed in the sterile room, carrying the weight of her desperation. Marcus's gaze softened, his empathy momentarily overriding his frustration. He understood the depth of her discomfort, the urgency of her need, but his hands were bound by the strict protocols and regulations of the psychiatric unit.

"Kate, I truly wish I could help you," Marcus began, his voice filled with a tinge of regret. "But you see, I have a lot of responsibilities and tasks to attend to before the end of my shift. I have to follow the established process, which means I need to change your diaper and wash your body."

His words hung in the air, emphasizing the gravity of their situation. Kate's heart sank, the weight of her helplessness becoming unbearable. She knew she had no choice but to rely on Marcus, even if it meant exposing her vulnerability in the most intimate of ways.

Marcus continued, his voice gentle yet resolute, "If you cooperate and allow me to complete my duties, I promise to speak in your favor and let the doctor know you've been cooperative this morning."

A single tear escaped from Kate's eyes, tracing a path down her flushed cheeks. She mustered the strength to nod, understanding that her only hope lay in Marcus's willingness to advocate for her.

Sensing her distress, Marcus suggested a compromise, hoping to make her ordeal slightly more bearable. "Kate, I understand that the restraints are uncomfortable, especially during the toilet. If you can relax and let me do my job, I can try to lengthen the straps a bit to make you more comfortable while I wash you. But you need to trust me and cooperate."

Kate's body trembled with a mix of fear, embarrassment, and a glimmer of hope. In this vulnerable moment, she knew she had to let go of her inhibitions and place her trust in Marcus, relying on him to navigate the delicate balance between his duties and her well-being.

With a deep breath, she nodded hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper, "Okay, Marcus. I'll try my best to cooperate. Please... just make it as quick as you can."

Marcus offered her a reassuring smile, a small flicker of compassion breaking through his weary facade. He reached for the supplies on the trolley, preparing to fulfill his duties while keeping his promise to advocate for her well-being within the constraints of the system they both found themselves in.

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