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June 30, 2016

Percy and Ben had left the Avengers compound five days ago. Wanting to live their lives they had missed and travel around the world, Percy had said that they will visit when they have the time to do so. Or if there's Avengers danger threat, they will be here to help them.

Six days ago they had finally taken down Hydra for good.

Four days ago they had taken down the Red room, saving everyone who was under Dreykov control.

three days ago he had met up with Tony Stark again, as he wanted to introduced him with someone with spider-like abilities. A 15 year old boy named Peter Parker, a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man who protects New York City from any danger. Peter had mentioned that with great powers comes great responsibility, and Henry agrees with him. Not many people can have powers and it's their job to protects the world from any threats. But that's wasn't the worst part. No, the worst part is there's always gonna be someone who will call you a freak, or a monster, just because you have the abilities to help people. They won't see the good thing they had done, only the bad thing.

Right now Henry is resting in his room, laying on his back as he have his eyes closed. Not paying any attention to his surrounding, the only sound that can be heard is the sound of his soft breathing, the television playing down the hall, and the sound of someone walking up to the door.

The sound of knocking filled Henry's room as he softly opened his eyes, looking up at the white ceiling as he sat up from the soft bed, looking towards the door as he called out to the person that was knocking on his door to come in.

The door opened, and Henry smiled when he saw Steve walking in. The blond returning the smile when he saw the mutant comfortably resting on his bed, wearing his sweatshirt that had suspiciously disappear from his closet. "Is that my shirt that I was looking for?" Steve asked, a small smile on his face as he leaned against the wall, looking at Henry who has turned sheepish when he mentioned about the shirt.

"Yeah..." Henry said, looking away from Steve as a small blush appear on his face.

Steve let out a small chuckle, walking towards the mutant and sat down on the bed besides the brunette. "You look good." He said, smiling when Henry snapped his head up at him.

"You're not mad?" Henry asked, his body shivering when he felt Steve's hand brushing down his back.

"Why would I be mad?" Steve asked, raising his eyebrows as moved his body closer to the mutant.

Henry shrugs, smiling sheepishly. "I honestly got no idea." He said, chuckling softly as Steve let out a small soft laugh.

Steve smiled as the room was filled with comfortable silence, body tensing when the mutant leaned against him. He relaxed his body when Henry looked up at him and kiss him on the cheek, calming him down right on the spot.

Henry leaned his head on Steve's shoulder, sighing softly as he look up at the white ceiling thinking about his nightmare, or dream, or a vision, he don't know. But it's been quiet ever since he's had that dream, no the curly-haired man, no his parents, and no his family. He don't even know what happened to his family, but wherever they are he hopes they're okay. And he hopes they moved on from him as he can't be in his son's life. His son... he wonder how grown he is now.

Henry was pulled to reality when he felt a hand wiping a tear on his cheek. He didn't even notice he was crying until now.

"You alright?" Steve asked, cupping the mutant's face as he stroke his thumb against his face, smiling when Henry let out a content sigh.

"Yeah, just missed my son. That's all." Henry said, opening his eyes that he don't even remember closing as he looked up at Steve who looked surprised at the new information. Right, he didn't talk about his family at all.

"You have a son?" Steve asked, getting himself together as he looked into Henry's soft brown eyes.

"Yeah, and a wife, believe it or not." Henry said, chuckling softly. "But we're gonna talk about that in another time. What are you doing here?"

"Can't I visit a friend." Steve asked, a smile appearing on his face when he saw the mutant's cheeks lighting up a bright red at the change of tone when he had said friend. "I came here to ask you something." He said, he'll do the teasing some other time. Right now he just wants to ask something important he had wanted to ask ever since they had sex with each other.

"What is it?" Henry asked, bringing Steve's attention back to him.

"What do you say tonight at 0800, we go on a date." Steve said as Henry froze, not expecting the super-soldier to say it out loud like that. "Henry?"

Henry blinked his eyes, pulling his attention back to Steve. He smiled, looking up at Steve who has started to look worried for him. "Yes, I would like that, Steve."

Brooklyn baby - Steve Rogers x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now