Back From the Dead (Important Author Update)

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Heyyyy, I'm alive.

If you haven't guessed by now, I have dropped this book. Well, "dropped" is probably not the best word for it because I do plan on coming back to it someday, but definitely nowhere in the near future.

The reasoning is because at some point the book had become more of a people-pleaser project than my own story, and it all got so incredibly mentally exhausting that it sapped out all the joy I should have had from writing. I completely lack motivation and interest in this story anymore, and it's been that way for a few years now. I just can't force myself to keep writing something I don't like.

The second reasoning is the lack of research and sensitivity I had when writing this. Looking back on it now, I can't help but cringe and hate myself a little for it. I've said before this was my first BL story and that I was 16 when I first wrote this. I know there's several cultural inaccuracies and other serious misconceptions because I didn't know any better at the time as another stupid teen and just wrote whatever without much research or thought. Now I'm 21 and realize that the way I've written my story is not good and proper representation, and definitely not a good example or introduction of BL/MM like so many people have credited me for. This is something I plan to fix once I get to rewriting the story (again).

Overall, it's just not how I want to write my stories anymore. I'm prouder of the newer stories I've been working on (now that I've grown up and know more than I did when I first started) and I rather stick to those as they make me happy than keep working on this currently irreparable mess. If you still want to read from me, you can keep track of my progress on Being a Noble Is Harder Than It Seems (still deciding on the title) and The Memoirs of a Mafia Boss (which I plan to post here soon once I polish up the chapters I've written so far for publishing). These are currently my top two focuses. I just haven't been able to write much yet because I've been super busy and burned out with adulting and my studies (if all goes well, I should be graduating university in June 2024, and I should finally have more time to write after that).

For now, I'll keep this story up. But don't be surprised if I end up unpublishing it someday (if this happens I will be warning ahead of time before I do so for any last minute readers). I know many people will be upset by this decision, but just know that I will be republishing it once I get around to rewriting it. All I ask is that you at least try to understand and respect the decision I have made for my mental health and personal writing career.

You can keep track of more updates and WIPs on my conversation wall or on my recently created Tumblr here: (or search for my Tumblr username, theoutcastauthor).

Thank you all for sticking with me and this story for so long despite all the craziness that's happened! I appreciate you guys. 🫶🏻


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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