Arc Three Extra: Christmas Time is Here

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I know I said I'd give an update, but I kind of realized I'm a bit busy today. However, I still promised, so here's a little Christmas special instead that would go for as an Arc Three extra. It's extremely short and is done as a script, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!

Characters (in order of appearance)
Author as Narrator
Clyde Carson as himself
Richard Sun Hui as himself
Christmas Tree as itself
Caroline Jin Min as herself

It's December twenty-fifth, Christmas Day. A decorated evergreen tree is set up near the warm fireplace and wreaths litter the foyer. Sun Hui had always been big with the holidays, and no world was an exception. The holidays always reminded him of his family back home.

Clyde: *staring intently at the tree, jealous that it has Richard's gaze*

Richard Sun Hui: *turns around and is startled by the glare of his butler* What's wrong with you, Clyde?

Clyde: *expressionless face and cold silence* 

Richard Sun Hui: *confused face* Clyde?

Sun Hui never saw Clyde like this before, or Wang Shuo in the past two worlds. He couldn't tell from this if it was his husband or not.

Richard Sun Hui: *shrugs but leaves still a little bit suspicious of his butler* Okay then.
*thinks* Weirdo.

Clyde: You think you're so great, huh? Being decorated with those cheap ornaments...yeah, I said it! Those cheap ornaments and plastic garland! Well, let me tell you something! I'm flesh and blood! I have skills too, but all you can do is stand straight! I'm way better than you! I was here longer! He loves me!

As we can spectate, Clyde has finally lost his marbles and is now delusional about Richard's love. We all saw it coming though.

The tree seems to have a mind of its own, and it begins to talk back!

Tree: I never seen him gaze at you like that before! His admiring gaze is only set on me! He doesn't even acknowledge you or said at least once what his feelings were for you!

Clyde realized he had an enemy rival, and all enemies and rivals must be eliminated from the equation.

Clyde: You don't know what you're talking about! You're a tree for crying out loud! 

Tree: You're crazy! You think he loves you, and now your mind has conjured up this insane reality where trees can talk! Just look at yourself!

Clyde: *throws himself at the tree, pushing it over and crushing the ornaments*

Richard Sun Hui: *walks back in to this mess and face palms* Do I even want to know?

Caroline Jin Min: *right behind him* I think he got jealous of the tree.

Richard Sun Hui: That's crazy!

Caroline Jin Min: It's him.

Richard Sun Hui: I still don't see the ring. We're wasting our time with this!
*calls out* Clyde, stop wrestling the tree and get up from the floor!

Richard Sun Hui and Caroline Jin Min exit.

The silver band that had been tied to a looped string falls out of Clyde's pocket sometime during his one sided scruffle.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to those who celebrate!

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