1.9 (Edited)

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*first edit*
Note: This chapter is edited. Old comments may not make sense. Unedited first arc chapters will also be slightly off from the edited ones.

Today was special.

Today was the day Sun Hui would post the photos up.

Today was the day Wang Shuo would be ruined and humiliated.

Today was the day Sun Lin's heart would be broken. Today, he would fulfill the first part of completely destroying her and giving her what she deserves through manipulating Wang Shuo in that direction, which would be easier now considering the boy found a soft spot for him somehow.

Today was the day that Sun Hui served his vengeance for the original body.

Today was...thrilling. His blood pumped as he thought it over.

So...why did he feel guilty with each passing moment? Why did it feel as if at any second, he would drown or suffocate?

It didn't make sense. He was even dreaming about that asshole now! And suddenly, this whole idea of destroying both of them wasn't as appealing. Sure, Sun Lin would suffer the most by the end but Wang Shuo was still being dragged into it...

No. It had to be the original's thoughts. He was hesitant about the revenge plan, but the current Sun Hui was determined and that was all the original needed to be silenced.

Ever since he had arrived, Wang Shuo had been giving him trouble by going deviant and messing with his mind. That would all end today. No, instead, after today Wang Shuo would be the one crying and begging him, and that's when he will whisper like the serpent in his ear that Sun Lin was the one behind all the schemes all along, which will make him come at her in outrage for using a boy like him who wanted nothing but to be the control freak he was.

To be honest though, he would've preferred if Wang Shuo bullied him. He didn't like these weird games he played that made him feel strange things. He didn't like the lies, the deceit.

Yet, he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss...and how he secretly wanted more. But he couldn't look back. He couldn't give in, not after refusing him so blatantly like that.

That's why I must go through with this. Sun Hui nodded to himself as he printed out the copies of photos. Anything to get rid of these unnecessary feelings between us.

All photos present? Check.

Ex-girlfriend in place for tomorrow? Check.

School security cameras shut down? Check.

The whole time, Sun Hui had been wearing gloves so that way they couldn't trace his fingerprints back to him. He looked at the clock. It was two o'clock in the morning. He had planned on going to the school way before the teachers and students. That way, they wouldn't see him in the middle of committing the scandal.

Sun Hui put on a black ski mask and black clothes to avoid outside detection and put the photos into a plastic bag. He kept his gloves on and quietly left his room. Sun Lin and his parents were asleep, their doors closed. Sun Hui crept down the stairs as quietly as he could, but the staircase still creaked under his weight. His parents and sister still slept on.

This isn't for me, this is for the original Sun Hui. If I do this, I would have completed one of his wishes. Sun Hui repeated this to himself in order to ease his guilt. He had to remember what Wang Shuo originally did. Not what he did now. He couldn't ever forget for the sake of the original soul, even if the soul still secretly longed for Wang Shuo's unrequited love. Wang Shuo must pay. This shouldn't be an inner conflict and a debate.

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