Tension At It's Highest

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{Backstage after promo}

[Andrew's POV]

As the newly formed "The Pack" and I made our way back stage we were scheduled for an interview with Cathy, as we made our way down the corridor we meet Cathy.

Cathy: Ladies and Gentlemen please help me introduce the new faction "The Pack".

As she said that me and AJ with Lexi and Becky come into the camera view.

Cathy: So tell me why did you 4 decide to form this little Pack.

After she said that I looked at AJ and we both nodded at each other I stepped back alittle and AJ spoke in the mic.

AJ: On behalf of our Leader The Omega, I'd like to tell you why we formed this faction, you see WWE has gone soft, the WWE superstars have gone soft, they need to be pushed to the max if they aren't pushed they get lazy, and you know what happens when they get lazy.

After AJ said that I put my hand on his shoulder and he stepped back and I came forward to speak.

Andrew The Omega: .......I'm sorry about AJ, this just means alot to us, anyway like AJ said when prey gets lazy they stop caring and when they stop caring they stop pushing to better themselves, and we can't have that can we?

I paused for the crowd effect then I began again.

Andrew The Omega: So the first on our list is Brock Lesnar.....

As I was getting ready to continue Cathy interrupted me.

Cathy: And what is the name of this list?

As she said that I looked at her like she just slapped my dog then Lexi walked up and grabbed the mic from Cathy and said.

Lexi: First of all don't interrupt The Omega, Second if you want to know the name of this list?

After she said that she looked back at me and I nodded and both Lexi and Becks said in the mic at the same time.

Lexi/Becks: Its called.........THE HUNTING LIST!!!!!

As they said that Lexi threw the mic at Cathy and we walked off while the crowd went wild.

==== Off Screen====

After our interview we went our separate ways me and Allen and Lexi and Becks.

While we was in the locker room changing and showering Allen spoke.

Allen: Hey Andy?

Andrew: Yeah what's up Al?

Allen: You remember how long me and Rebecca have been together?

Andrew: For almost 4 years I think, why?

Allen: Well I was thinking.....

I interrupted him and said.

Andrew: Well there's your problem right there, you was thinking.

We both laughed and he continued.

Allen: In all seriousness I was thinking in asking Rebecca to marry me what do you think?

I looked at him and I couldn't help to smile at my long time friend and I told him.

Andrew: Al if you love her I say go for it after all I did introduce you two, take the chance bro but i think she will say yes, have you seen the way she looks at you it's like you two have just started dating the way you both looked at each other.

After I said that I was getting my stuff ready for my shower and he asked me something that caught me off guard.

Allen: So when are you going to pop the question to Lexi?

The Omegas GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now