Original Story: Shadow

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Warnings: Stalking, supernatural, confusion, creepy - Angst

Requested: None

Relationship: None

Characters: Shadowy figure and an unlucky person

Info: Stalking their prey through the halls of the school, this unlucky person finds out their the prey all along.


POV: First

I weave my way through the halls of the school, dodging people left and right, stalking my prey. Waiting for the right moment to pounce, as they walk to a secluded area, I'm right on their tail. Lurking in the shadows determined to catch my prize as I see them turn the corner, that's my moment! This my chance to finally capture them.

I rush around the corner, to see nothing, no one is there where have they gone? But then I hear something drop from behind me, slowly turning around I see a pencil roll to my feet. I look up to see my prey or have I become the prey? I start to get scared as it just stares at me.

I don't even know what it is. It's just a figure with eyes, it's probably not even human. It takes a step towards me, my breathing becoming uneven as I slowly back away. It gets into a running position and then just lunges at me.

Quickly I turn and go through a hall turning a sharp corner. Running down the halls, taking heavy steps, rushing to get to safety, any safety, but there is none. As I turn another corner, I lead myself to a dead end. Nothing but a window and a potted plant with dying flowers.

The figure turns the corner as it's still rushing towards me. I think fast and open the window getting ready to jump but then I feel hand on my shoulder. And the figures face came into view as it's reflected on the window.

It was a smoky, dark figure. I felt like it wasn't even real, was it real? The figure breaks out, into a sinister grin. The smile went ear to ear, sharp, pearly white shark like teeth. I saw its tongue slither out, I got chills and goosebumps all over my skin. The figures face came closer to my ear and all it said was, "you're it."

I woke up on the floor, laying in the grass. I could feel it going through my fingertips, through my fingertips? How is that possible? I look at my hand, it looked exactly like the figures hand...the one that was on my shoulder.

I jolt up from the ground, I see my friends all around me. Their terrified faces frozen. I try to reach out and touch one of them, but they just scream and run. Why are they running? Can you please see me? I'm right here. I'm right in front of them. I'm supposed to be their friend. Why are they running away?

They were all running around, trying to get away from me, screaming. I tried to get to them wondering what was wrong, until they ran in the school and with the glass doors closing in my face, I saw myself or what was supposed to be me? I was just a lonely, dark figure with piercing eyes and a Sharkey smile.



Bye bye~

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