Chapter 9: The World Is Saved, And So Is My Car

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Slow motion. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Aaron free fell from the building. He somehow was able to keep his grip on the cube as he spun in the air. Fortunately, none of the rocks from the building were hitting him. He screamed as he flipped through the air. He couldn't even tell if he was going to hit the ground anytime soon as he was flipping so much, he couldn't tell up from down.

It all stopped though when he saw a flash of red and blue and hit something metal. He didn't know what it was until he was pulled into its chest.

"I got you, boy," Optimus said as he held Aaron against him protectively. "Hold on to the cube!"

Aaron nodded and laid against Optimus as he made his way down the buildings. Aaron closed his eyes and held on tightly to the Cube as Optimus gripped the building and slid down it. Jumping between the two buildings to slow their descent. Pieces of the buildings falling as he did.

Aaron glanced up and saw Megatron follow them down. As Optimus grabbed onto part of the building, Megatron grabbed Optimus and tackled him down the rest of the way. The two robots fell with a crash as people around them ran away.Some of them unfortunately not making it away in time. Aaron glanced over at Megatron just in time to see him flick a human away.

"Aaron," Aaron got up and stood on Optimus's chest as he spoke to him. "You risked your life to protect the Cube."

"No sacrifice, no victory," Aaron responded with the old Witwicky motto.

"If I cannot defeat Megatron, you must push the Cube into my chest," Optimus motioned his head down. "I will sacrifice myself to destroy it."

"No, no way, I can't do that," Aaron denied with a shake of his head.


"No, Optimus, I can't willingly let you die like that, we'll find another way," Aaron stood strong, looking into Optimus's eyes.

Optimus studied Aaron, he never thought that a human would fight this hard to save him. Optimus let out a small smile before nodding, "Fine, get behind me."

Aaron nodded and quickly got off of Optimus as he moved behind him, Optimus slowly got up and addressed Megatron, "It's you and me, Megatron."

"No, it's just me, Prime," Megatron responded as the two bots stood up fully, facing each other head on.

A small ditch in the street was where Aaron now found himself, hiding the Cube as best he could from Megatron.

"At the end of this day, one shall stand, and one shall fall," Aaron heard Optimus say as he dodged some rocks that fell into the ditch.

"You still fight for the weak!" Megatron said as he wrapped his arm around Optimus, putting him into a headlock. "That is why you lose!"

Optimus and Megatron kept fighting as Aaron flinched back at some rocks coming his way. But from behind the two, Aaron noticed the helicopter Decepticon from earlier approaching the fight. His hand that was the tail of the helicopter spinning rapidly. He then saw the soldiers come out from an alley behind the robot. Aaron smirked, they definitely had a plan to take the thing down. He saw green lasers being pointed at the robot and he hoped the Decepticon wouldn't notice them.

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