- Part 1 -

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This part will only be like bonding, convos, uh and fluff Ig, nothing serious y e t 



Serial Designation N, or, N, hes been living with his friend, whom he cares for a lot, Uzi. Shes treated him well and has helped him adapt to living without having to kill Workers for oil. Before N had came here, he used to live alongside his squadmates, J and V. 

J treated N horribly at some times especially as much as hurting him physically and mentally. But J always had prefered hurting N physically. V, on the other hand, had hurt N but mentally, only using words. As much as a horrible drone V was, she never hit him. Which had been a surprise for N.

N always thought about them both at least once in the day. But, was always snapped out, by Uzi.

"Hey bud, you alright?" That was Uzi. 

N turned around from his trance and realized that he was tearing up. He wiped his tears away and nodded. He didnt really speak about what he thought as it made him uncomfortable, usually he had a notebook in which he wrote in. If someone tried to grab it, then N would get mad, he didnt like it when others touched his things. But, sometimes he hesitated to even stop them. Half the time he'd stop them in time, but sometimes he didnt. Once again, Uzi snapped him out.

"N, are you alright..?" She asked but in soft and gentle tone. It was obvious to her that N was having trouble to just even pay attention to her. N looked over at Uzi and sighed miserably. 

"I just.. sometimes cant stop, er.. thinking about... whats happened..." he mutters but clear enough for Uzi to hear. Uzi just hums in response and softly squeezes his hand. 

"I know whats happened back then.. but uhm, you cant- always be thinking of that, you also need to be thinking about now, okay? If, you need to talk to be about something like, yknow, how you feel, er- I can try to help but no garentees that I'll properly fix what happened alrighty?" Uzi explains in a confident and firm tone. In which, N seems more satisfied about, so he nods in response. Uzis sighs in relief before getting up and grabbing her bag, shes just about to head to school in which N feels a bit suspicious and worrying about. 

He starts to give a worried expression as she leaves and feels his tail curl around himself. Everytime she leaves to go to school, he gets a bit worried and jealous. He wishes very badly he could go with her but knows he cant. So he just stays there. Staring as the door shuts and locks. Another long day to wait.

Uzis POV

Once she leaves the house shes aware on how N is worried about her, but she dosen't look back. Yes, she cares for him, but, she dosen't look back nor open the door cause one time she had done that and N hadn't want to leave her side. He was literally clinging onto her with all his might. And she hadn't been able to go to school that day, in which her father, Khan, had gotten furious about. He blamed it on Uzi as she let N stay and started calling her out for it which made Uzi feel miserable about. She hadn't cared though. But now, she was heading to school. In which, was more miserable and horrible. She hated it. She was behind in almost everything but didn't care. The only thing that Uzi had hated the most is that she was bullied, not exactly with fists but more like words, she was the one that started with fists. But sometimes she didn't want to have these problems. She just wanted them to just, not be here. The only time she didn't know her problems existed was when she was with Thad, when she talked with him, she felt as if all her problems had left her.. 

It felt perfect.. and overtime.. she started to, I guess.. start to like him. Uzi hated how she loved him. She knew already that Thad felt the same, but neither of them said anything. They both just, continued to act as friends. 

          She snapped out her thoughts when someone had tripped her to the ground. She let out a scoff of annoyance when she got up and looked back. She didn't see exactly who tripped her but she was starting to think she already knew. 

Once she dusted herself off she picked up her things and raced over to her locker and placed down two books in which she need to get up to properly reach her locker. After opening the locker she took out the supplies she wouldn't need and deposited them in the locker. Her locker had purple lights hanging to make it light inside along with random drawings of the Solver inside. It was messy, but yet, still her locker. After awhile she jumped off the books and shoved them in her locker.

Sighing in exhaustion and relief, she headed to her class in which, she'd be welcomed by Thad. 


Woah short part momen

Y e a

U h


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