- Part 4 -

165 2 12

Tw: Gore(??), dismemberance , language, retching(throwing up), torture(?)

Nah not a huge Tw



N at this point was just letting himself have it. He cackled. He just, he just let it all out. He cackled, stabbing, impaling, and just hurting Thad. In so many ways... either, stabbing him with his tail, or the blade of his wings.

He had it.

He just let himself go.

N just watched and stared at Thad, who was in obvious pain, and agony. Which just made N cackle even more. He laughed at the sight of Thad, bleeding out. He tasted the oil, making him feel.. a bit thirsty.. for oil... (YALL DIRTY MINDED IF YOUR THINK OF SMTH ELSE I SWEA-) he continued to stab him, ripping out his entrails, hearing Thad scream and yell in pain, attracting a crowd. Murmurs and gasps and whispers waved out. 

But N ignored it. 

All he cared.

Was that Thad died. Thats all he cared...

He continued to laugh. And after he had enough. He giggled. Staring down, at what was left of Thad. He was completely mangled, and opened. The oil just spilled out of him... which made N... want to eat it... (NO- DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE ISTF-)

He started to rip Thad apart, dismembering him, seeing the oil flow out. Just making N more hungry... grabbing his body, he pulled it close up to his mouth, and starting to just eat his entrails. In which came out gasps, and shouts.

Some much drones.. in which he could kill... he could... he could kill them all, right now..! His visor flicked to an X, just an X, on one side of his screen. He smiled, smiled... a bit ominously... the drones around him started to move back, staring in fear. A murder drone! In which they all once trusted! Has now.. snapped...

Uzi's POV

 She stared at everything that happened. At how Thad had been ripped, how he had been eaten, how he was beat... it made her heart cry. Cry, just to see. A friend whom she trusted... just.. kill, her only friend... N had been her friend in which she befriended. She never knew how dangerous a disassembly drone could be! She thought N was different.. but after this... she could see how he was the same as the others.

Cold-hearted, heartless, and murderous.

She sobbed. 

She sobbed staring at the sight of Thad just bleeding out. He was already dead, but she wanted to heal him... heal him, somehow... he- he had to still be alive! He just had to! He had to..!

Uzi was the only one who hadn't backed away as N stood up looking around the crowd. 

She just continued to sob, grieving for Thad. 

She loved him.. and now.. he was dead.. he was gone.. he- he never even saw the gift she made for him..! The gift, in which she had taken, her own time and pleasure to do.. was now.. wasted.

She made a decision. A decision, in which. She hated N. She hated him. She'd make him live back with V and J. She wont care if he begged for forgiveness. But now she was going to force him to live back in his old life. 

Uzi looked up from where she was sobbing. Her tears still clear, rolling down her cheeks. She glared at N. Furious.

But just as she was about to speak, he ran and hugged her. He was acting as if he had never even killed Thad! What kind of drone would do that!?

"N... what... in the fuck, did you just do!? Why would you do that!!" She yelled at N after shoving him away. 

"Wh-what- what do you mean..? He- that thing was taking you from m-" he was cut pff after being slapped directing across his face.

"What do you mean by 'what do you mean?!' You just killed the one I loved!! Who- what- what kind of friend does messed up shit like that!? Who!! Who!?!"

She was yelling at the top of her lungs. She hated him now. She wanted him to be gone, from her life, forever.

"B-but- what- what- what do you mean..? I- I was doing a favor!!" He seemed to start sobbing.

"You weren't! I loved Thad! I dont know what was going on in that STUPID head of yours- but its not something good! Now I want you to get the FUCK away from MY, FACE!!"

She yelled, letting out all of her anger and grief that she had been gaining from his death. She wanted N to be gone, to get out of her sight and just start getting hurt by J again, she didnt care about if N would be hurt- she just cared about how he'd be punished.



I did you a favor. What do you mean. I did this, for us both..

N stood there. Shocked, and outraged.

He... he killed Thad. And hoped, that she'd love him!

But no

She started to move AWAY, from him. Who did that?

N just glared at her. He had enough of her attitude.

He grabbed her, directing by her hair, and dragged her to the corpse. He ignored her yells of anger in letting her go but didnt. He made her kneel down and sit in front the corpse.

"If you loved him so much- why dont you taste him dont you!?!" 

N grabs Thad's entrails and starts to shove it down her throat. He smiles a wide smile, showing no remorse, just cruelty in his gaze. He could hear her sobbing underneath the entrails. But he didnt care. He just continued to shove more and more and more down her throat, until she had eaten half of his insides.

He cackled by her suffering.

It was fun...

Once he stopped her could hear her gagging before retching. He stared in disgust before holding  her neck down.

"Do that again, and you'll end up like him.. alright..? Alright!"

Once again, he seemed to act as if nothing happened. One side of his visor  now seemed to just be frozen in an X. But he didnt notice. 

N grabbed Uzi by her hair, and started to drag her off back to her house, humming. 

He's not done just yet


Not me cackling teh whole time I typed how Thad died even though I started tearing up a botwhne I wrote how Thad never saw the gift but started cackling again when N was torturing her

YandereN (Murder Drones) [DISCONTINUED CAUSE I LOST MOTIVATION ON THIS]Where stories live. Discover now