Prologue: Kaleid!

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After what felt like hours of fighting against Julian, Illya finally won by piercing him in the chest using Excalibur, the holy sword of promised victory provided by the saber class card.

After what felt like hours of fighting against Julian, Illya finally won by piercing him in the chest using Excalibur, the holy sword of promised victory provided by the saber class card

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After quickly reflecting on why he lost, Julian tried with all his might to break the Pithos but failed.. as he started to fall to the ground Pandora quickly grabbed him in a hug and said their last goodbyes. However the small victory was short lived however as Darius Ainsworth took full control over Julian's body and mortally wounding Pandora.

"Now then, Let us finish this Holy Grail War!" Darius exclaimed with a crazed look on his face and throwing Pandora to the side, as in a flash Kuro felt a horrible sensation like someone was gripping hard on her heart, It was Darius using his displacement magic to grip the card and crush it in his hands nearly killing Kuro.

"KURO!" Illya screamed in shock and worry as she tried reaching for her friend in vein, Kuro then out of nowhere stabbed Darius' hand with an origin bullet Shirou gave her earlier destroying his magic circuits.

Darius roared in pain as she got his arm out and dropped the now damaged class card, with quick thinking Illya grabbed it and installed it back in Kuro's body saving her from death but leaving her considerably weaker than before

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Darius roared in pain as she got his arm out and dropped the now damaged class card, with quick thinking Illya grabbed it and installed it back in Kuro's body saving her from death but leaving her considerably weaker than before.

Illya then gently laid Kuro on the ground passed out, she then installed the saber class card again and pointed Excalibur straight at Darius with a serious face and quickly charging towards him knowing Miyu will shortly follow after.

Illya's sword swiftly made contact with Darius as his body was being split apart and separated from Julian's, quickly another strike followed from Miyu who installed the Lancer class card and shouted "Gáe Bolg!!!" throwing the spear making it an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. It made it's way straight to Darius' heart piercing it followed by a flashy explosion ending the fight quickly.

As the fight finished Illya and Miyu quickly ran to Kuro to check on her, they both then released a sigh of relive at the same time when they saw Kuro just sleeping comfortably. Illya sat down on her knees as she started to pet Kuro's head

"So... is.. this it?" asked Miyu "Have we finally won?-" she said a bit tense expecting something to happen again.

All that Illya did was nod her head, as she installed the Berserker card so she could easily pick Kuro up "Yes.. I think we have.." Illya said with a sad smile on her face then quickly shook her head "Miyu please try to pick up Pandora, I'll take Julian and see if we can still save them!"

Illya shouted catching Miyu off guard before she quickly went over to Pandora seeing she still was alive, she then picked her up as Illya carried both Julian and Kuro back to the Emiya household of this timeline

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