Prologue: Where Home is

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It was 2 am, they've been walking for the past 4 hours heading towards the mountain where the cave should be

Illya: "Aaaah- are we there yet? My legs are killing meeee"

Rin: "We should get there in 10 more minutes right?"

Bazett: "That's if it's still even here."

Kuro: "Well if not we're shit out of luck eh?"

Illya then groaned louder not wanting to think of the possibility of the caves not reappearing yet so she yoinked Ruby and turned into her magical girl form to fly ahead

Miyu: "Hey wait up!" Miyu shouted towards Illya grabbing sapphire as she followed leaving the others alone

Kuro: "Maaan why couldn't we just use that giant ship of yours Gil?"

Gil: "Meh didn't feel like it" Gilgamesh said as all he did was shrug much to Kuro's annoyance

Kuro having enough she just grabbed a fallen tree branch and started to chase Gil around with it getting ahead of the others

~time skip brought by chibi Kuro bashing Gil's head while running with the tree branch~

Soon enough they all made it there, Gil was rubbing his head while pouting as Kuro just smirked throwing the branch away like nothing happened

Illya and Miyu were already there waiting, seeing the others Illya waved at them pointing to the caves which luckily have reappeared "GUUUYS THEY'RE HERE!!!!!"

Luvia: "FINALLY I CAN LIVE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON AGAIN!" Luvia said pushing past Rin looking forward to have a long bath in her mansion

Miyu: "Well- I hope Julian and Angelica won't just kill each other"

Illya: "Heh i would worry more about Tanaka trying to beat them all then getting blasted sky high-"

Miyu: "I guess that's a possibility too-"

Rin: "Hey what are you two chit chatting about! let's go inside already!" Rin shouted at the both of them as she dragged Illya and Miyu into the cave by their collars

Later in the cave Rin and Luvia has put around a magic circle going through every spell possible to trigger a reaction, suddenly they all felt a shift as the cave started to shake rubble being moved around, Luvia fell face first and Shirou caught Rin before she fell with her head on a rock causing her to blush heavily before slapping him away in the typical tsundere fashion, meanwhile Miyu and Illya were carrying Kuro and Gil was just sitting on a boulder not caring about what was happening around him

Illya: "Did it work?"

Rin: "Obviously it did! my spells were immaculate!" Luvia just glared and Rin at that comment

Kuro: "Well if SOMEONE would put me down I could go check myself!"

Illya and Miyu then nodded as they let Kuro down, Kuro then sighed as she started to walk out of the cave and was followed by everyone else eventually Illya went ahead as she flew outside and sighed of relief, whatever Rin and Luvia did it worked, they're back home finally able to experience normal summer weather

Shirou: "So this is Illya's world huh?"

Miyu: "Yeah! here during the Summer it gets hot instead of snow and so on"

Rin: "Wait- how are we going to explain two Shirous?????" Rin said realizing the new problem they got themselves into as she face palmed

Shirou: "Wait there's another me? how is he-"

Ruby: "Weeeeell our Shirou looks like you with the BIG difference of looking like a 5 year old that got his growth spurt early heheeeee~" Said Ruby as she revealed she had quite a few polaroids of this world's Shirou doing every day activities which struck Miyu's Shirou as quite creepy

Shirou: "Well... you aren't wrong on the 5 year old part-"

Luvia: "Well I wouldn't mind my beautiful Sheroo to crash over at my mansion~" Luvia said with smirk as Rin was about to choke the lights out of her

Shirou: "Actually that's a good Idea, I could hide there and we could plan on how to save our world in there without having to make it anymore awkward than it is already"

Rin: "Y-yeah and I will be there too so we can be at full power!"

Illya: "Yeah let's go than! aaaah I can't wait to just sit in my room all day!"

~Yet another time skip brought by Chibi Illya cheerfully dancing while everyone is walking to Luvia's mansion~

Two days later

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