Update :v

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Hi guys- so imma keep it short. I'm not gonna write anything for a bit so I can get more ideas while also farming for Zhongli rerun-

 I'm not gonna write anything for a bit so I can get more ideas while also farming for Zhongli rerun-

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After I get or loose Zhongli I will start writing again so that will be in some weeks

Also I guess imma give a small plan for the few next chapters:-Next chapter will be about the Lancer servant

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Also I guess imma give a small plan for the few next chapters:

-Next chapter will be about the Lancer servant

-Another one will probably be an in between story (50/50)

-And then the chapter after that will focus on the next servant and get the Madoka Magica stuff in ajshfka I know I am putting them a bit late tbh but this is mainly a Fate fan fic lmao

But yeah I am sorry if I am making some of you wait, and if y'all don't really care cool! saves me some time ahsjfb

But yeah this is goodbye for now- maybe I can actually improve at writing by the time I finish lmfao-

UPDATE! I GOT HIM! HE'S HOME! (voice reveal i guess lmfao)

on another note tho while grinding I realized I hit a block so I need to think hard, thinking of re watching fate zero or sum to jog up my motivation and ideas lol, but I will try to get something out soon :>

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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