The Summoning of Heroes 1: Saber

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After a few minutes of getting ready Illya, Kuro and Miyu followed after Iris as she swung open the mansion doors "LUVIA! TOHSAKA! CAN WE TALK FOR A BIT!" Shouted Iris as she walked inside and went upstairs followed by the kids.

"M-MISS IRISVIEL!?!" asked Rin panicked as she shoved something or someone in a closet, Iris paid no mind as she approached her and grabbed her by her shoulders. "Rin, where's Luvia?"

"S-she's in her s-study yeah-" Rin explained hoping Iris won't find a second Shirou hidden in the closet.
"Take me there." ordered Iris as she started to drag Rin around but got interrupted "OOOOOH MISS IRIS! What brings you here?" exclaimed Luvia as she walked out of a corner

"We need to talk, can we go into a more.. private room?" Iris requested as Luvia nodded.

A few minutes later they ended up in the basement of the mansion which was used as a mage craft workshop, the others waited with curiosity as to why Iris was acting like this, and then she finally started speaking after clearing her throat.

"So, I'm guessing you all have seen the markings on my daughter's arm.." said Iris as the others nodded "Well, this is a bad sign, those are command seal, which means somehow... a Holy Grail war will start soon." Iris finished the short explanation as the others just looked shocked while Miyu looked uncomfortable.

"Well we automatically win right? we have all the class cards!" Illya exclaimed hoping it would calm everyone down but Iris interrupted "No.. the class cards were not in our system, the system is summoning the actual heroes from the past, which is why command seals exist, to give them orders they must follow."

But in the middle of them chattering the door open slightly "Hey Tohsaka! was shoving me in a closet that necessary!?" Shirou snapped as he looked in the room, he saw Illya's mom and tried to slowly close the door but before he could Iris dragged him in by the collar. "SHIROU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR!?" 

"N-no mom it's alright for him to know let me explain!" Illya shouted as she jumped on both of them.

after a few minutes of explaining how this Shirou is from another world and so is Miyu and how he was in a grail war already, Iris took it surprisingly well as she just stared at him "Well, I was right to not let Kiritsugu teach you mage craft" she added with a smirk as she pointed at his arms and face, all Shirou did was chuckle "Yeah I did over do it aha-"

"Okay it was fun doing introductions but how are we even going to summon a servant!?" Rin asked a bit annoyed

"Oh well simply we ne-" Iris tried to explain before she got interrupted "I can help with that." A mysterious shadow said in the corner of the room, everyone got alert and started at the mysterious man, his most important features being covered by a shadow but they could feel him starring daggers at them.

"W-who are you?" Iris asked as she went closer to Illya

"Servant, Ruler." the others quickly got defensive incase this servant tried attacking them "B-but I thought there's only 7 c-classes!" Rin shouted as she readied more gems "I can assure you young one, there's a few more classes. But no need to worry about me, I'm a neutral." The servant explained raising his arms up as the others calmed down a bit.

"I can help you summon your heroic spirits, but first and foremost, I want to see if those 'class card' are strong enough to be used as a catalyst." Ruler requested as Illya and Miyu got their class cards out "Well uhm Ruler? what classes do you recommend?" Asked Illya a bit confused.

"For the young Emiya, Saber. for you Illyasviel, Berserker." Ruler suggested trying to hide a slight chuckle in his voice that would betray his intentions. "O-okay but please just call me Illya- It's embarassing when people use my full name aheh-"

"Very well. Illya, everyone, I will attend this summoning, I am rather intrigued by this system from another world." Illya nodded as Iris looked carefully, she sighed as she prepared a summoning circle and Miyu handed Shirou the class card. "So uh what now?" Shirou asked looking at Ruler

"Just place the class card in the middle, and recite this." Ruler explained getting closer to Shirou handing him a piece of paper, Shirou grabbed it and accidentally touched Ruler's hand, as he did he had a sickening feeling that he shrugged off and got ready to summon his servant.

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