5th August 1995

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Harry woke panting, Cedric's pale lifeless face following him back to wakefulness. He reached for the lamp next to his bed, turning it up to chase the shadows from the room. The third task was six weeks ago, but it still felt as if it had just happened yesterday. Harry thought to Sirius' offer of mind healing sessions with Remus. He hated the idea that they would think him weak. But if Sirius did it then maybe it wouldn't be too bad. It wasn't like he would continue it if he didn't want to.

Dragging himself from the comfort of his bed, Harry made his way downstairs, not wanting to be on his own. It was still early enough that the kitchen was silent, so he wandered back through the house, hoping someone else had risen as early as him.

Sticking his head in the first floor drawing room, Harry was relieved to see Remus sat on the couch reading. His former professor looked up with a small smile as Harry entered and gestured for him to take a seat.

"Hey Harry, what brings you here so early?" Remus said with a smile, closing his book and placing it on the nearby coffee table.

"Nightmares." Harry replied with a grimace as collapsed onto the couch

"Anything you want to talk about?" Remus asked gently.

"Just the graveyard again." Harry brushed it off. It was easier if he didn't talk about it. Didn't think about it.

"You know I still get dreams about the night I was bitten." Remus said conversationally, flicking his wand to summon the tea set from the sideboard.

"But... Did..." Harry stumbled, not quite sure how to respond to the werewolf's admission.

"It isn't too bad these days," Remus mused as he poured a cup of what smelt like earl grey. "They used to be worse. Much worse."

"How did you...?" Harry trailed off, unsure of whether he wanted to know.

"I spoke to Sirius about them." Remus said with a smile. "He noticed my nightmares one evening. I had become pretty good at silencing charms, so I can only assume he saw me thrashing about in my sleep. Sirius jumped right into bed with me and demanded to know what was wrong."

"And you just told him?" Harry asked in shock. He couldn't imagine doing such a thing,

"it took me nearly six months before I said anything." Remus admitted. "Sirius would catch my nightmares at least three times a week. He never pushed me to talk, but he was always there. One night I it just spilled from me. Over time it got easier to talk about, and the nightmares got better."

"So it helps then?" Harry asked

"Yes," Remus said simply, "But it has to be because you want to talk. I, nor anyone else can force you to do this."

"Could we maybe later.." Harry trailed off.

"Sure cub." Remus said with a smile. "We can maybe have tea this afternoon once Sirius has finished with your Wizengamot lessons. I'm sure Sirius can convince Kretcher to make us some cakes and other things to treat ourselves with too."

Harry nodded, gazing into the fire. He may not have the courage to actually voice the things he sees in the nightmares, but maybe Remus was right and talking would help. For now he would enjoy the werewolf's company. It was rare the house was this quiet, and Harry knew it wouldn't last long. Already the tell tale creaks echoed above them, as the other occupants woke up to start their days.

--- --- ---

Breakfast brought the usual cacophony of chaos, and Harry was glad to escape to start his lessons. The black family library extended further than seemed possible for the size of the town-house, but Harry was familiar enough with the topsy turvy workings of wizard space that he didn't question it too much. Instead he took the seat opposite Sirius next to the roaring fireplace and waited impatiently for his godfather to begin.

A Sirius SummerWhere stories live. Discover now