6th August 1995

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It seemed Kretcher had taken Sirius's comments to heart, Harry scowled as he searched through the wardrobe and his trunk, not finding any of his usual clothes. Instead the wardrobe was filled with shirts, trousers and robes that all looked far too formal and uncomfortable. Grumbling to himself harry selected the least poncey pair of trousers he could find, along with a soft silk shirt and turtle-necked jumper.

To his surprise, not only did the clothes fit him quite well, but they also hung lightly on his body, feeling more comfortable than even his slouchiest old cast-offs. Harry pulled slightly at the waist-band revelling in the novelty of trousers that actually fit without his normal string belt. He sighed looking at the clock on his bedside table already hearing the comments this change was going to bring, and he wasn't looking forward to it. His friendship with Ron was still on shaky grounds, and something like this could easily spark another argument. Somehow the fact Sirius cared enough to not only notice his clothes, but to try and do something about them bolstered his confidence enough to step out of his room in the new finery.

Slowly making his way to the kitchen, Harry slunk in, thankfully unnoticed due to an argument that had sprung up between Ron and Ginny. Sitting in the corner, he turned his attention to the ongoing argument, which seemed to mainly involve Ginny yelling at Ron for defacing her poster of Valmai Morgan and Ron denying his involvement. Harry was inclined to believe his best friend, if only due to the innocent expressions the twins were supporting as they gently encouraged Ginny's rage.

"Harry you will tell her!" Ron demanded, "I had nothing to do with her stupid poster. Morgan is a hag, I wouldn't even touch her poster."

"I believe you Ron." Harry said with a grin, before glancing at the twins, "Ginny, I think you were looking to the wrong brother."

"The wrong...?" Ginny asked, looking around in time to spot the twins as they apparated away, "Fred! George! Get back here and fix my poster!" She screamed rushing out the room.

"Cheers mate," Ron said, returning to his breakfast, "How did you know it wasn't me?"

"The twins looked far too innocent." Harry replied, reaching out to serve himself some bacon and eggs. "You know they only ever look like that when they have done something."

"Yeah," Ron humphed around a large mouthful of bacon. He swallowed blinking slightly as he looked at Harry closely. "You changed your clothes or something? Why you looking so smart all of a sudden?"

"I woke to find all my clothes had gone and replaced with these." Harry explained "I didn't have much choice unless I wanted to walk around in my boxers all day."

"Oh Harry dear, you really shouldn't wear strange clothes especially in this house," Mrs Weasley sighed, looking over him in concern. "Ron, go with Harry after breakfast and give him a few of your spare things. They will do until we find your clothes Harry."

"Uh it's fine." Harry said quickly, "They're actually quite comfy and they fit better than my usual clothes."

"What? You mean you don't mind looking like a pureblood ponce?" Ron asked aghast. "Mate, did the twins feed you something again? You're not acting like yourself."

"Nope, the twins haven't done anything to me. Is it bad that I like having clothes that fit me for a change." Harry said quietly. He knew Ron wouldn't take the change well, but it still stung, but he couldn't get rid of the gift Sirius had given him.

"No it's not" Ron said quickly, "It's just it's not like you mate. I thought you didn't care about that stuff. Its fine if you do."

"Thanks Ron," Harry grinned and turned back to his breakfast trying to ignore the fact that Ron didn't start eating again, nor had he hadn't relaxed the tense hold in his shoulders.

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