25th August 1995

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Harry was sat with the rest of the Weasley's in the main lounge taking a break from both the cleaning and his lessons with Sirius. The twins had modified their exploding snap deck and were trying to coax Ron and Ginny into playing with them. Harry had escaped their advances and was with Hermione examining the self-inking quill and ink set she had designed as part of her ancient runes practical exam last year. Since she had found Harry was learning the subject Hermione had been equally overjoyed and disgruntled with the ease in which he seemed to pick the material up, but Harry had found that if he kept their discussions centred on her achievements and past experiences in the class they could generally have a good conversation.

The door slammed open revealing a relieved looking Mrs Weasley clutching a pile of envelops. She bustled around the room handing them out. A quick glance at his showed Harry that it was their Hogwarts letters, which had finally arrived more than three weeks after they usually showed.

"Thank heavens your letters have arrived. I don't know what Dumbledore was doing sending them so late this year. We barely have time to get all your things." She plucked Ginny's barely opened letter out of her hand to mild protests and glanced over the contents. "Make a list of everything you need and I will head out tomorrow morning. Ginny I think you need new robes, your last ones were getting a bit tight in the chest. Ron, any preference for new pyjamas?"

Snickers from the twins diverted their attentions to where they were stood over Ron who had gone a bright red.

"Get his red and gold"

"Match his shiny new badge."

"Oh Ron! That's everyone in the family!" Mrs Wesley shrieked pulling a red faced Ron into a hug and missing the mutinous looks on the twins faces. Harry glanced over at Hermione who was staring at her own badge a shocked yet pleased expression on her face.

"Congratulations 'mione, you deserve it" Harry said pulling his friend into a hug.

"Oh! I am so pleased, I didn't expect.." She muttered, a small smile on her face. She turned to Harry with a brief look of sorrow. "I thought for sure you would get the other one though."

"I doubt I am eligible at the moment, Hogwarts Charter says I need to be sorted again before I am officially a student. It is a bit silly to make me a prefect when you don't know what house I will be in."

"Oh yes.. Of course" Hermione said flushing slightly, "Would you mind if I borrowed Hedwig. I need to write to my parents. This is something they will understand."

"Of course." Harry grinned. Hermione gave him a quick hug and hurried out the room, clutching the badge to her chest in pride. Harry sat back and watched the twins as they came up with various schemes to enact against Ron and his decent into "Percy-ness" It was almost surprising that the bitter ache he had expected on him not getting a badge wasn't there. Maybe it was because he knew he wasn't eligible. Or perhaps he truly didn't want the responsibility. Looking at Ron he gave a shudder, he didn't want to be like either him or Percy, if that meant not having a badge or the quite frankly unappealing responsibilities that came with it, then he was better off.

Glancing at the twins again he sighed. They were constantly treated as if they were not part of the family, ignored and forgotten at every turn. He wanted to do something to show them they were exactly as special and amazing as they were.

Grabbing his satchel, his made his way back up to his room, somewhere in one of the books Sirius had gifted him over the summer, he must have something that he could turn into a gift for Fred and George to show them just how amazing they each were.

An hour later and Harry was about ready to give up. Not a single book in his collection had given any inspiration as to what he could gift the twins. He had plenty of ingredients and such that he could package up, especially since Remus had given him free reign of the potions lab whenever Snape was not around, but he wanted the gifts to mean more than that and to be individual to Fred and George both.

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