10th August 1995

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Sirius was true to his word and had been quizzing Harry relentlessly in the workings and customs of the Wizengamot. Harry couldn't walk past his godfather without some question on how to address the various court members, or how to request the submission of a piece of evidence, or even the correct robe colours for the different sessions held throughout the year. To Harry it felt a bit over the top, but he trusted Sirius when he said it was important to know.

At least Sirius made the learning fun. Each correct answer inevitably resulted in a prank being played on some unsuspecting member of the order. It was worth being able to list the ten highest ranking members of the court alongside their official titles and greetings just to see Moody walking into the kitchen not ten minutes later with flowing neon pink hair.

The rest of the order were not so pleased with this spate of pranking, and Sirius had eventually been placed under room restrictions much to his disgust. Harry was then forced to sneak in to the family rooms after dark to continue their lessons in secret. This was how Harry found himself creeping up to the third floor gallery at quarter past midnight, where Sirius was sat whispering with several family portraits.

"Pup! Come here, I want to introduce you to someone" He stood, walking down the corridor stopping in front of an ornate frame.

"Is this the boy?" An imperial voice asked

"Yes mother." Sirius said with a grin, beckoning Harry closer. Harry stopped in front of the portrait of an aristocratic woman, her grey hair pinned tightly to her head under a lace house-cap. He blinked. This woman bore no real resemblance to the portrait in the front hall that upset the order on a near daily basis. Harry nervously stood next to Sirius, inclining his head at the perfect forty five degree angle as was proper for an heir greeting an elder family member.

"Ah good, you have taught him the proper manners at least Sirius." She commented, "There may be hope for you yet."

"Yes mother." Sirius drawled with a roll of his eyes, turning to Harry he pulled him forwards slightly, "Harry Potter, please meet the real Walburga Black, late Dowager of the black estate and my mother. Mother please may I introduce you to Harrison Potter, heir to the houses of Potter and Black."

"It is a pleasure to meet you young man." Dowager Black said imperiously, "I hope that you do your houses credit."

"Thankyou ma'am." Harry replied nervously, "I have only learnt of this recently, but I am learning."

"Sirius, I hope you were not such a disappointment that you did not adequately train your only heir."

"it's not his fault ma'am." Harry quickly put in. "I was raised by muggles and didn't know anything about this until last week."

"Then I hope to see you up here often. I imagine that I will be able to provide you with a much better education than my fool of a son."

"Mother, you know I learnt eventually." Sirius almost whined,

"Yes eventually. Only after you had put our family at risk." She sniffed, "I still have not forgiven you for those years. Although the fact you have provided me with quite a nice little heir has gone some way towards your redemption."

"Don't worry mother, I intend to teach him everything properly."

"Well make sure you do." Walburga sniffed, "Now young Harrison, tell me what your blood father has taught you."

"Not much so far." Harry wrinkled his forehead in thought. "Just how the Wizengamot works, I have a hearing in a few days for use of under-aged magic."

"Well, I can see one thing I must teach you right away. Your lack of a mask is appalling."

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