Chapter 11 - What Is Home?

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Audri's POV


I stare at him like he grew another head, is this man serious? It's been 3 weeks, almost a month, and now he doesn't want to just walk out like everything is trash. I don't think he's fit to be a father. Why am I worried about this? I should just get an abortion before I regret anything. I can just have a baby with the man of my dreams whom I will marry and then I'll finally be able to have a baby without having to think about 'what if he leaves?' 'What if he isn't fit to be a dad' I'm so over all of this god damn stress. I can't take anymore of it. I push my chair out, grab my purse, and storm out of the Starbucks. Who is he to think he can come in here after almost a month and just demand to be part of the kids life. I don't even want to have this damn thing with that damn guy. His name should be erased from my memory, along with his smell, his soft touches, his voice whispering and humming, the sound of his heartbeat. Everything needs to be erased. Nothing can remind me of him. This stops now. I hear him walking after me, I pick up my speed but he grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop.

"Coming here was a mistake, meeting you was a mistake, staying for dinner was a mistake. Everything with you is a mistake. Let me go." I look back at him like I'm ready to kill him, I could pounce like a tiger and rip his head off but sadly I'm not a tiger and that's illegal for a human to do so.

"Why? I already lost you once to that...guy. I can't lose you again!" Harry's grip gets tighter with every word, his voice shakes a little. I look up at him and sigh with defeat.

"If you let go of me, we can go to your place and I can explain everything," His grip loosens on my arm as I slowly slide away. "So, can we talk about this like adults and not hungry children?" He nods his head, with that we walk to his car.


Sitting in the passenger seat, I watch Harry drive, his hands gripping the black leather wheel, his hair falling messily on his shoulders, some falling in his eyes.

"Audri.." Harry seems to collect the words in his mouth. "Audri I'm so sorry for just walking out. I wasn't ready for something like that. It would have been one thing if it was something planned or if we were a thing for a while. But something so..."


He nods, "So sudden, I needed time to digest it and really wrap my head around the situation." He glances over at me for a second, not my face though, my stomach. "Audri, I really care about you. More than you would expect."

"Harry, that's sweet and all, and I loved the sweet moments we shared before everything fell apart. I loved the soft touches, but it's like you were only wearing a mask the whole time and this really brought out who you actually are." I play with my purse that sits on my thighs. Harry lets out a big sigh and takes a breath like he's about to say something but closes his mouth and stays quiet.


Harry opens his apartment door, the apartment that used to be my home mocks me as I stare at the door. I shake my head and follow Harry into his apartment. He shuts the door slowly, "So.."

I sit on the couch, same spot as last time, and I take a deep breath, "Where do you want me to start?"

Harry sits next to me, the middle seat of the couch, I lean against the arm of the couch and twist my torso so I'm facing him. "How about... after I stormed out?"

I nod, it takes me a minute to recall what exactly happened. "Well once you left I just... crashed. I was crying and wondering why did I even tell you. Well about a week later I went to go see the doctor, they did a super scanning test where it zooms further than others. I was infact pregnant, I told the doctor that you weren't showing signs of being so supportive and... I was scared. So he offered to help me, after the hospital incident he took me under his wing, I've been staying with him since. That's the guy that answered my phone, and the guy you keep talking about. He's just my doctor."

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