the book of total badness

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"Uh... So hot" jestro said "I know" I said back my hood down and my h/c hair was blowing in the wind"Ugh.why are we out here in the lavalands? " jestro asked the book of monsters "we're here because I smell an evil book" the book of monsters said "it's always Evil Books and not my pay check" I said "we don't pay you" the book of monsters said "I didn't sign up for hanging out in this stanky place" jestro said "stanky ain't a word Crack a dictionary now and again, jester-head, Hm. I dated a dictionary once,she could run the gamut from A to Z she had index on her like you wouldn't-Ah, but I digress" the book of monsters said "lucky you" I said sarcastically the book of monsters then started to sniff "Go that way" he said looking right "It was here" the book of monsters said "what? What was here" me and jestro asked "The Redoubt of Ruination The evil wizard Monstrux's great castle" the book of monsters said "you sure know monstrux's a lot" I said "Yes, it's here, the book of Destruction" the book of monsters said "The Book of Destruction? Uh, what does it do? " jestro asked "what do you think" I said

"There it is, The book of Destruction" the book of monsters said "it's destroying everything around it looks...dangerous"jestro said I he climbed to get the book  " No, it looks delicious, Go get it"the book of monsters said as jestro was getting the book I started to talk to the book of monsters "so if you eat books and your a book how does that work? " I asked "it's best not to think about it" he said to me jestro then threw the book and the book of monsters catch it with his mouth "scrumptious complex full-bodied fruity, but with a hint of sulfur"the book of monsters said after eating the book as he started burping and coughing "WHOA" the book of monsters yelled and then fell down then jestro picked him back up "Destroy... Destroy!" The book of monsters eyes then turned red  "you got it" jestro said to the book of monsters and then opened him and summoned some monsters

"Now go across this island and destroy, destroy, destroy" jestro said to the monsters "you're sending them out to wreck stuff at random? " the book of monsters asked "Oh, no I have something else in mind" jestro said "when you laugh all crazy like that,I just got to join in" the book of monsters said and start to laugh to"weirdos"I said making sure a couldn't hear me

"Well hello there clay funny running into you here. " jestro said to clay "Seize him, I've always wanted to say that" jestro said "Merlok, next knights" clay said he put up his shield but nothing happened "Huh? Have to handle this on my own" clay said after almost attacking jestro a monster pulled out a target "Bull's-eye" the book of monsters said soon the monsters had him tide up upside down "spin him" jestro said "what? jestro when my cohortd arrive, you'll pay for this" clay said "Ha.your coconut must still be spinin', shiny boy nobody's comin' to save you" the book of monsters said to clay  Yeah, you were the last, Now I've grabbed up all your goody-goody knights with my secret evil plan Attack everyone, split you all up Cut off your connection to merlok,and then capture you all"jestro said to clay "you won't get away with this jestro I used to think you were my friend" clay said to jestro "you thought we were friends? Well, you thought wrong We've dealt with the knights now we deal with their king y/n you stay here and watch over clay" jestro said walking to his rolling castle leaving me, the monsters, and clay alone

                                            TO BE CONTINUED

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