Chapter 1: Preparations

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Author's note: This was the fic I was talking about that was in the works from my oneshots. 

Thankful this fic is nice and fluffy and nothing bad happens at all. :)


"Hold still." Meggy grunted.

"I can do this myself! I don't need your hands all over me!" Four complained right back.

The camera zoomed out to reveal Meggy tugging on Smg4's hair with a comb, the thing seemed to be stuck in his thick hair.

Meggy huffed and with one final push she managed to get the comb out. "There. Was that so hard?"

Four deadpanned. "Yes."

Mario poked his head into the bathroom. Jumping in place. "One more week! One more week! One more week and we have our new castle!"

Meggy giggled and Four smiled at the plumber's antics.

Ever since Peach got out of the demon pit, she helped hired a team to build castle, making the process much less stressful.

With their new free time and wanting to take a break from all these crazy adventures, they decided to go on vacation, to PeePee Island. That is before Meggy hijacked the plan and made them go to the wild west. Except they never went to the wild west. It was a simulation created by One-Shot Wren, and the strange T.V. man.

Just another traumatizing thing to add to Four's list.

But tonight, was going to be different.

Four was going on a long overdue date with Three. They haven't had a proper date since the crazy 'wild west' adventure.

Four, was a Meggy's house getting ready. He even dressed up more nicely. Instead of his usual attire he was wearing a light blue sweater with white dress pants and black dress shoes. Four put on his cap and Meggy groaned.

"Smg4, do you really need to wear that?" She asked.

Four crossed his arms. "Have you seen me go anywhere without it?"

Meggy lifted up a finger to protest, only to pause. She hasn't seen Four go anywhere without his hat unless something else forced it off his head. She sighed. "Fine, you win you can wear the hat."

Four smirked in satisfaction.


Meanwhile in the Internet Graveyard, Smg3 was also getting ready.

Three slicked backed his hair. "Do you think this looks good?" He turned towards his brother, Slg4.

Slg4 stood in the doorway, he's been doing much better over the past few months to where he would need to use a cane if he planned to be up for more than thirty minutes.

L rolled his eyes. "You look fine; besides, I think Four would believe you would look good wearing a dress." He chuckled, Eggpup barked from his arms.

Three was wearing a nice white shirt with a black leather jacket on top of it with black dress pants and black dress shoes.

"Right." Three felt his face blush a little. "You okay with taking care of Eggdog and Eggpup by yourself?"

L readjusted Eggpup in his arms. The little guy had tried to tackle Three while he was getting ready for his date. "Of course, I can handle them. Now, hurry along lover boy. You don't want to be late to your date."

Three's face became red. "Yep! You're right! Goodnight, if I don't see you later, L!" Three hopped through the portal.


A knock was heard on Meggy's door. She opened it to see Smg3 standing there.

Four walked over towards Three. Three smiled. "Ready for our date?" He held out his hand.

Four grabbed it. "Yes, yes I am."

The two meme guardians were off, Mario following behind them until he was stopped by Meggy.

"What do you think you're doing mister?" She scolded.

Mario groaned. "Mario's making sure Smg4 doesn't do anything stupid."

Meggy let out a sigh. "I'm sure it will all go fine. There's no need for you to worry."

Mario looked upset. "You don't know that! Besides Mario overheard Smg4 talking to himself the other day."

The former inkling titled her head, confused before realizing what Mario could be worried about. "Does this have something with Fm and X breaking up?" She asked.

Mario gave Meggy a sad nod. "Mario overheard Smg4 worry that his relationship with Three will end up like theirs."

Meggy put a hand to her hip. "But that's a whole completely different situation! He really shouldn't be comparing his relationship to others!"

Mario cupped his hands together and gave Meggy puppy eyes. "So, will you please let Mario go to make sure Smg4 doesn't do anything stupid?"

"No." Meggy said flatly.

"Mama fucker!"

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