Author's note: Heavily debating if I should turn up the rating for the next chapter.
What do I mean by that? ;) Guess you'll have to wait and see.
Inside an old abandon building, the crew stood around a folding table and chair. Bob was carrying the one who's been terrorizing them all night in inside the sack.
"Now, let's see who you really are." Swag nodded his head towards Bob. Bob nodded back and sliced open the top of the bag to reveal....
"Yoshi?!" The entire crew said at once. (Minus Slenderman of course.)
The green dinosaur huffed. "And I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids."
Chris deadpanned. "We're all over the age of thirty." He quietly said.
"Br0, I ThOuGhT YoU WeRe In JaIl FoR TaX EvAsIon." Bob put a blade closer to Yoshi's neck. "YoU hAvE SoMe ExPlAiNiNg tO Do!"
"I don't have to explain jack-shit to you, bitch!" He cursed Bob out. "I was minding my whole business before you fuckers came along and ruined my night.
Toad loaded his gun and pointed it at Yoshi. "We're talking about you following Smg4 all night, we know it's you trying to ruin his date. Now, normal I don't care for the guy too much, but I was promised candy. And you wouldn't like Toad without his candy."
Yoshi rolled his eyes, clearly not imitated by Toad's threat.
"Listen here, you green turd. No one believes your 'minding your own business' shtick. So, how about you tell us the truth or else Swag is going to do something very illegal." Swag got out a baseball bat, pulling off his best Mario impression.
"Fuck you!" Yoshi spat.
Swag had lost all of his patience. "Fine, Slendy, You're up."
Yoshi scoffed. "Please how do think it is going to wor-"
Slenderman stood over Yoshi, tentacles appeared out of the faceless man's body, and loud static noise could be heard.
"Alright! Alright! I'll talk! Just get this freak of nature away from me!" Yoshi pleaded with the rest of the gang.
"Excellent." Swag said. Slenderman backed off from the dinosaur. "Now," Swag put his hands on the table. "Why were you following Smg4!?"
Mario arrived home.
Luigi was already fast asleep in his bed. Normally Mario would've pranked him, but he doesn't want his brother to wake up.
Trying to explain on why Mario had sent some of his friends to spy on Smg4 is not the conversation he wanted to have now.
Just as Mario climbed into bed, his phone went off. Slenderman had sent him a message.
'Yoshi? Why the fuck would he try and hurt Glitchy? Did the bitch witch sent him to?'
Back with the crew as they were about to get answers from Yoshi.
"DiD ThE BiTcH SeNd YoU To CaPtUrE SmG4?" Bob appeared over his shoulder.
"What bitch? The ones you don't have." Yoshi growled.
Bob flew back from being roasted. Wasted.
"I don't think he was sent to capture Smg4; I think he was trying to kill him." Sonic crossed his arms. "I mean, why else would Yoshi put in a deadly substance in his popcorn, and have a gun in his car?"
Toadette was holding crutches, her neck was in a brace. "You're lucky I'm too injured to beat the snot outta you." She pointed at the dinosaur.
"Why were you trying to kill Smg4?" Swag slammed his hands on the table.
"No reason." Yoshi started to sweat.
"Slenderman?" Toad grinned.
"Okay! Okay! I was paid! There, happy?" Yoshi started to shake and the thought of the faceless man even being near him again.
"By whom?" Chris asked.
"I-I don't know." Yoshi was still shaking.
"BuLlShIt!" Bob got out two guns.
"I mean it! They called me over the phone! They paid-palled me the money and told me to kill Smg4. They were going to give me over ten thousand dollars for this!" Yoshi sunk into the chair. "I don't know who they are, really."
The crew all looked at each other with the same questions.
Who was trying to kill Smg4 and Why?
The blue car stopped at the gates of the show grounds.
"Alright, here's your stop. You kids have a safe rest of the night, ok?" Sans winked.
Three raised an eyebrow at Sans. "We... We're both grown men." He said flatly.
Sans chuckled. "I am much older than you think."
The two meme guardians looked at each other.
"Oookay." Four dragged out. He and Three got out of Sans's car.
Sans gave them one final wave and he was off.
Four began to walk back to the Rv, with Three right behind him.
"Man, my mind's still thinking about the movie." Four confessed, he opened the door to the Rv.
"Oh yeah? What about it?" Three asked, holding his jacket in his arms, he placed it on the table.
Four stood still for a moment, his face began to blush. "I-I mean... well, um." Four cleared his throat. "I was thinking, as much as I love making videos and having these wonderful adventures... That maybe one day, it would be nice to settle down and have kids."
Three starred at Four for a moment before a small smirk appeared on his face. "What? Mario isn't enough?"
Four busted out laughed. "Oh my god! Three! Can you ever be serious for a moment?" Four wiped away a tear from his eye.
Three moved closer to Four. "No.~" They kissed. Three began peppering kisses all over Four's face.
Three pushed Four onto the bed that Four once again, forgot to pull it back up.
Four snickered. "You're so bad~"
Three raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?" He pressed his forehead against Four's. "What are you going to do about it? ~"
Four smirked, he grabbed Three by the arms and flipped them over, making Four the one on the top.
Three's face turned completely red.
"Want me to show you? ~" Four giggled.
Three gave Four a quick kiss on the nose. "Please do. ~"
Author's note two electric boogaloo: Yeah, I'm gonna turn up the rating...
Date night
FanfictionIt's been a while since Smg4 and Smg3 went on a date. Mario worries about Smg4's mental state, but there's no way he can help out... directly. The mature stuff happens in chapter 10, all other chapters are fine.