I Place My Head Between My Knees, And Think,Do You Ever Have Nights Like These?

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This chapter starts off with a certain 5"7 honey blonde staring into his own privately owned space and galaxy, cross-legged on the edge of the sloppily made bed, disassociated. Another certain 5"4 boy walked into the room, noticing the Honey blonde's distress and zoning out, shaking his knee. The taller shot his head up, looking at the wash of dismay painted across his companions face, slowly realised what had been going on.

Nothing major happened, but he was just in a trance-like state, swaying his body with knees hugged up to his chest.

"Hey,we have enough money for a proper meal, what should we get?" He questioned, treating him like a wild animal he didn't want to scare away. He was fiddling with the straps of his vest as he thought, and after a few moments, he just shrugged.

Mark's face contorted into on of wonder, possibilities popping into his mind. To you, dear reader, this might be a silly thing to get excited over, but when your poor, you feel like a kid on Christmas!

"This is so exciting! Especially because we are broke."

"B-R-O-C-K-K-E." He agreed, Mark not having the heart to tell him that was the wrong spelling. Cal would have to give him a literacy lesson one day, but definitely far in the future.


Mark sighed as he dragged Icarus down the lonely alleyway, dotted with the occasional beggar in which, Icarus always felt bad and gave them at least a pound. He obviously remembered parts of his old life, so it felt weird not using drachma's to pay, he still never got used to the currency.

The duo reached the convenience store and Mark smiled brightly at the dimly lit sign, making Icarus smile back at him. The two entered poundland [tm] , looking around the aisle label hanging off the ceiling, looking as if they were threads to drop, until their expression reached the one that read "organic foods". Mark was rocking on his heels and shaking his hands as if they were wet. He ran off, leaving Icarus to silently sway and pick at grout in his nails.

Mark came rushing back after about five minutes, realising that he left Icarus, picked him up bridal style, and carried him down the aisle. Icarus learnt how to not protest when Mark took advantage of his lightness and carried him places, as it happened way to often to keep count.


The two ended up with a carrier bag full of fruit , eggs, and bacon. Don't ask Icarus, he didn't want them, it was all Mark's doing.

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