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It all began on a warm Monday when 8, 8 1/2, and 9-year-old Santana, Rachel, and Brittany heard they were getting a new classmate. Brittany had been ecstatic, Rachel was equally as excited while Santana was wary. She didn't want to lose her best friends to some weird kid, she'd had a hard enough time stopping the two from trying to make friends with that Kurt boy.

The young Latina sat in her seat chatting away with her best friends until the room fell silent when a small blonde girl walked in the room, her head was down and her backpack was too big for her. She was rather small almost smaller than Rachel if you could believe it.

"Class we have a new student today! Why don't you introduce yourself sweetheart" Mrs.Jones said.

The smaller blonde looked up her eyes widening at the sight of so many people her mouth stayed shut no sounds coming from her mouth as she looked up at Mrs.Jones with pleading eyes.

"Alright everyone this is Quinn Fabray she's just moved here from Toronto Canada. I expect you all to be nice to her" Mrs.Jones told them.

They all nodded in understanding though it was clear some students already had plans of their own.

"Why don't you go sit next to Santana, Santana raise your hand," the woman said with a bright smile.

Santana mentally groaned and raised her hand. She watched as the small blonde slowly but surely made her way to her seat hanging her backpack on the back of her seat, her head staying down the entire time.

"Hi! I'm Brittany you have blonde hair just like mine !" Brittany exclaimed.

Quinn glanced over at the rather loud blonde opting to stay quiet her eyes shifting to her right at the sound of another voice.

"Brittany I think you're scaring her maybe calm down a little," a calm yet gentle voice said.

The girl sitting to her right was small, her eyes were big and brown, and her hair was very long and also brown she was dressed in an owl t-shirt and a pink skirt to match. Her eyes were gentle, sweet, and innocent her smile was huge and her teeth were straight.

"Hello, Quinn I'm Rachel," the small brunette said.

"I don't know why either of you is trying to talk to her it's obvious the weirdo doesn't talk," another voice said to Quinn's left.

She knew now that her name was Santana she had nice tan skin and long dark brown hair, her eyes weren't gentle like the other two they were hard her tone of voice was harsh it was clear that the girl didn't like her.

The small blonde looked down at her hands and fiddled with the end of her dress tears threatening to spill from her hazel eyes. When her mommy had told her she'd be going to a real school she'd told her it would be fun but-...this wasn't fun and people were mean and they didn't even know her.

She'd been homeschooled her entire life because her daddy's job caused them to move often so her mommy was her teacher, but when his job had called for him to go to Korea her parents ultimately decided that she and her mommy would go and live elsewhere permanently while her daddy traveled for work instead they'd see him in person for holidays and birthdays. Sure she missed him but she knew it was what was for the best now though she wished more than anything that she'd continued homeschooling.

Brittany looked over at the smaller blonde frowning when she noticed the girl's shoulders shaking, for a second she thought the girl was cold but when she made eye contact with Rachel she knew the girl was crying, and well-...it was Santana's fault.

"You made her cry," Brittany said.

"What ?" Santana asked looking at the blonde.

"You made Quinn cry," the taller blonde said.

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