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It was in high school that things took a turn, their freshman year had been fine but their sophomore year was when things began to slowly go downhill and by the time they were well into their junior year people noticed a shift in the four girls dynamic. Rachel, Santana, and Brittany seemed to care more about popularity whilst Quinn cared more about her education, soccer, and helping others. The three girls were usually seen walking the halls arms linked talking and laughing, they even had all the same classes while the smaller blonde was typically seen in the library or on the field sharing only one class with her "best friends".

To onlookers the four didn't seem all that close anymore, everyone seemed to notice the change in Quinn before her supposed best friends which was strange because she didn't really talk to anyone other than the three friends she had. It all began happening so suddenly. She was missing school for weeks at a time, stopped playing soccer, always in the nurses office, leaving early constantly and always seeming to be cold.

It wasn't just the students at McKinley noticing this stuff though, the whole town was noticing it as well. Every Monday Quinn tutored kids from the elementary schools, Tuesday's she helped at the local day care center, Wednesday's she tutored the junior high kids, Friday's she tutored the high schoolers, then Saturday's and Sunday's she worked at a local coffee shop and somehow she managed to fit homework, family time, soccer, track, and art club into her busy schedule. However, for the past two weeks she hadn't been doing any of these things. What was even stranger was that her father had been seen throughout town a few times in recent weeks which was odd because he was typically only seen during holidays so...What was he doing in town ?

It wasn't making sense to anyone. While Quinn was quiet she was also very active in the school and despite all she did, she was no where near as popular as her best friends and whenever they weren't around she was pushed around and bullied by the jocks and cheerleaders who were friends with the three. No one was sure if the three were aware of the bullying the quiet blonde faced but if they were aware of it, they hadn't tried to put a stop to it.

At first people thought maybe Quinn was distancing herself from her friends but that theory was thrown out the window whenever they saw the timid blonde with the other three. So they moved on and created many theories that were all thrown out the window as time passed. It was on a cold Wednesday in December that something happened.

Quinn passed out in the hallway .

She'd been alone seemingly walking in the direction of the nurses office but she hadn't even made it a few feet away from the room she was in before she hit the ground. It was Sue who'd come to the girls aid instantly calling for an ambulance instead of just taking her to the nurses office. To all the teachers and nurse it wasn't strange but it was bad and Quinn needed to be taken to the hospital immediately.

Quinn passing out was the talk of the school for the rest of the day mixed with the fact that her best friends were still at school seeming to be unfazed almost like they didn't care about their supposed best friend. It wasn't until they were talking to one of Finn Hudson at the end of the school day that they heard the news.

"And then she just like hit the ground ! It was crazy and concerning she was rushed to the hospital" he told them.

"Wait who did you say it was ? Some loser right" Rachel asked.

"No I said it was Quinn you know Quinn Fabray, she's hot by the way but she's been really off lately though, she didn't even play in the soccer game last night" Finn explained.

The three girls stared at him with wide eyes. There must be another 'Quinn Fabray' but that wasn't their Quinn he was talking about, it couldn't be.

"What the hell why didn't anyone tell us ?!" Santana screeched.

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