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Santana wasn't one to hold her tongue especially when it came to Quinn so the moment she caught wind of the new rumor that her best friend was pregnant she was quick to shut it down whenever she heard someone mention it. She pointed out that Quinn didn't talk to boys and even if she did she would know about it and hunt them down which hadn't helped, it only made the situation worse and for once she was relieved Quinn wasn't at school. Well that was until she caught a whiff of apples and cinnamon whilst in the library and she recognized that scent anywhere. That was Quinn's scent she thought to herself as her eyes scanned the library before landing on a familiar head of blonde hair.

Her feet began moving before she could stop herself and her mouth opened without her consent "Quinn ? What are you doing here ?" she asked. She knew they weren't really supposed to be speaking not until the day was over anyway.

"I've missed enough school already so I've been in here all day making up my work" Quinn told her, her voice and eyes a bit weak

"I would've brought you your work"

"I know...and you would've tried to help me with it to even though you don't understand it"

Santana smiled, it was just like old times, but it didn't last long because when Quinn shifted in her seat she winched like she was in pain Santana's smile immediately disappeared and morphed into a face of confusion.

"What's wrong ?" she asked her voice full of concern

"Nothing...just a small pain..I must've slept wrong" Quinn lied, the moment she looked up at her best friend she knew she hadn't believed her but she knew despite all the worry and concern in Santana's eyes she wasn't going to push her either.

"Do you-....I have tylenol in my bag and water...want some ?" she asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Yeah...that would be great" Quinn told her, she knew it wouldn't really help relieve her pain but she couldn't stand seeing that worry in her best friends eyes.

Santana smiled softly and reached in her backpack pulling out the Tylenol and water handing it to the blonde, happy to have some sort of normality when being in her presence. "So...what are you working on ?" she asked hoping to hold a conversation.

"Oh I have to write a paper for my English class. I'm just taking notes of things I think will be helpful when I do actually write the paper"

"Oh okay...how much more work do you have to catch up on?"

"Uh...a lot I have this paper, a project on how my favorite book impacted me, an essay and like two or three tests for English. I have a lot of worksheets to do for my pre-calculus class and some tests too. I have a science project and an anatomy project and that's it." Quinn told her.

"Oh wow...that's a lot of work do you have a date it's all due ?" She asked curiously

"Yeah it all has to be done by next week"

Santana's eyes widened "But it's Thursday !" she exclaimed.

"Yes San I know but I'll find a way...even if I have to stay up all night and do it over the weekends" Quinn said with a sigh.

"I'll help you! I mean I'm not as smart as you are but I know how cranky and moody you can be if you don't get enough sleep"

"How would you help me ? My parents currently hate you because of their own assumptions"

"Um...we could go to the library or the clinic..or you could sneak to my house ! The library is just a few blocks away from my house just tell them you're going to the library" Santana said smiling at herself at the idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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