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Your pov -

I was waiting for gyu as always. It's 9:50 PM and he came around 10:00 PM. I know he won't eat at home but still I wait for him here early with a little home (0.01%)

I heard the door bell rang as I rushed to open. As always he ignored my presence. I carried his coat and bag then closed the door. He walk in calmly and started walking upstairs, but I stopped him.

You : beomgyu?
Beomgyu : mh? *didn't turn around*
You : are you not eating?
Beomgyu : no! *deep* you know that then why are you asking, huh!!? *slightly shout*
You : s--sorry g--gyu...
Beomgyu : don't call me gyu! *eye roll and left*

You signed and sat down on the chair. You heard someone walk downstairs as your face light up thinking he got some sense but...

Beomgyu : give the coat and bag... *cold*
You : y--yeah

Time skip : 3:00 AM

You walk up to go to washroom; but you didn't saw beomgyu. You got a little worried. You get out of the room and saw light in the opposite room. You opened the slightly opened door and peek your head in just to see beomgyu working on his laptop.

His glasses were fixed on his eyes. White oversized shirt and plain black shorts got your eyes captured.

You : gy- beomgyu, you haven't slept?
Beomgyu : I did but then I remember about this work. Why are you awake now?
You : I woke up to use washroom and didn't saw you, sorry if I bothered you but... Why didn't you did your work in our bedroom?

You thought 'bcz you were sleeping and I didn't wanted to wake you up'


Beomgyu : bcz you were snoring and your legs taken the whole bed!! *focused on the lap*
You : oh!... That's kinda rude...
Beomgyu : I was saying the truth... You were really disturbing me...
You : sorry !! Hmp!!! *stormed off slamming the door*

Next day - morning - 8:05 AM

You were waiting for beomgyu as always. You have been feeling uneasy for about 1 hr ago. It's not leaving you alone. It feel like you got something to say but can't. Your stomach is playing BOOMBAYAH inside.

Beomgyu came downstairs looking all well. Black suit with white tie. He is sooo fine. His hair was set all perfect, one word perfection.

You : beomgyu, you are not eating today as well, right?
Beomgyu : if you know, why are you standing here like a statue waiting for me??
You : um i-
Beomgyu : I am leaving, I don't have time!!!

He slammed the door making you flinch. You look down to the food getting vaporized. It was his favorite. You gave the food to some stray dogs and cats.

'Atleast they should be happy'

You washed the plates peacefully but deep thoughts were wandering shameless in your head. Your mind suddenly for moments stop functioning. It stopped your hands, legs, all your moments and you were currently like a real statue just like beomgyu said.

You came back to your sense when your stomach organs hit you. A tight way came to your throat. You ran to the bathroom sink opposite to the kitchen, vomitation...

You panicked

Time skip - afternoon 12:45 PM

Your pov -

I decided to see a... Gynecologist. I panicked that hard. Right now I am waiting for the result.

The result has came leaving the shit outtah me. My hands shaked, and fear filled me. It's been a years...

But I am not ready!!!

Words : 591

𝓜𝔂 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓱𝓾𝓼𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭  [4 shot] •|BEOMGYU - TXT|•Where stories live. Discover now