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How you all??? 💫

Time skip - at night - 12:30 AM

You have been waiting for beomgyu for about 5 hrs. You fall asleep for an hour but now you are awake, getting kinda worried. You kept the door unlocked what if you fall asleep and he came...

The door shut up making you flinch. She looked forward for the behavior already but... He saw a swaying beomgyu closing the door locking it. You get up from the sofa getting his attention. He smiled.

He looks sooooo drunk. No wonder why he is late. His cheeks were all reddish pink. Lips were swollen from over drinking. Tie were loosed and messy. Inserted shirt was outside with some buttons open. You sighed...

It's the first time you are seeing him like this. It made you nervous but you decided to get the opportunity for something good. For that moment you hold his color gently fixing him, his tie and his shirt.

For the surprise he kept staring at you, you were busy getting him fixed but he was busy admiring you. Some words split from his mouth.

Beomgyu : why I never noticed?

His voice was Stern, it felt like vibrating your hands. You gulped managing yourself to speak.

You : huh?
Beomgyu : you were this beautiful before? Or I never noticed?

He tucked your hair behind your ears. He pushed you a-side gently and sightly. He rushed to the kitchen like a kid. You rushed behind like mom, but still processing.

Beomgyu : whoaaa, what's for dinner???
You : beomgyu, stop, you need to wash up.
Beomgyu : who is beomgyu? *serious* call me gyuuuu~~~~ *pout and smile closing his eyes*

Even thought you know he won't eat, for the little hope you have, you would prepare the food...

Beomgyu : IS IT KIMCHIIII!!!!??? ohooo I love it. HAA!!! tomato soup???

All of a sudden he want to eat the food from your hand?

You : gyu, you gonna eat? Want me to heat up?
Beomgyu : no need I will eat like this! I know it will still hot...
You : uh, how? Why?
Beomgyu : bcz it's made by a hot person then how it's gonna be cold.


You moved closer to him making him look at you in frown. You looked down nervously wandering your eye balls on the floor looking for a chance, not on the floor btw. Beomgyu was all stunned, his eyes were fixed to your wandering eyes, shifting it to your pinkish dry lips.

Before you could say anything, as you got the starting he hold your chin, grab it gently and kissed you in one. Your eyes winded. It was the first time even thought he is drunk, you decided to kiss back but you were uncomfortable but the unfamiliar move.

Beomgyu hold your waist moving closer, one hand moving to the back of your head from the chin,  caressing your soft hair. You wrapped your hands around his neck. He bited your lips, sucking in. He gently but to hurt he pulled your hair making you gasp, he took the opportunity and slid in.

He was a explorer for a moment. You felt the tension between you both for the first time. His hot tongue was making you more hot from inside and outside. He broked the kiss. He looking in to your eyes, you felt like he came back to his sense after the breathtaking kiss but you know it won't happen quick!

Who knows!?

You took a deep breath still embraced against him. His hands were on your hair still and one on your waist pulling you more close to him. You put your hands down to his chest to keep a slight distance as it was too close.

You : gyu...
You : I am.... P- gyu?
Beomgyu : mh?

You called out again before the main topic bcz of unresponsive beomgyu. You continued.

You : I... I am pregnant!!!


Silence filled, his head dropped down to your shoulder the moment you told him. 'Unconscious? Seriously?' You thought and signed. You dragged him upstairs turning the light off of downstairs. It was hard to bring that man.

Next morning - 8:20 AM

You just gave the ironed clothes of beomgyu to him, he is in the bathroom changing and fixing himself after a tight cold shower. You went back to your deep thoughts, about last night. You still sweat thinking about that moment. Beomgyu again become like the old beomgyu.

You are still ironing the clothes for monday as tommorow is Sunday. Today is Saturday, a working day.

But he won't stay at home at Sunday's usually, he would hang out with his friends.

The bathroom door opened beomgyu getting out fixing his tie. You leaves the ironed clothes inside the cupboard. Beomgyu cleared his throat... You turn around to him. He signaled you with his head to come over to him. You walk up to him nervously as he look a little clam today, you thought he is still drunk.

Beomgyu : I was drunk last night?
You : mh mh...
Beomgyu : when did I came?
You : around 12:30 ...
Beomgyu : did I bothered you?
You : never!
Beomgyu : did I... Did something... Unthinkable?
You : huh?
Beomgyu : I mean... Things I shouldn't do...
You : n--no... No need to worry about those...

Beomgyu : but I remember.... Kissing you...?
You : .... It was just a quick peck over the beer.
Beomgyu : don't lie... I clearly remember how the kiss was... *deep, stern voice*
You : uhh... I- I am leav-
Beomgyu : wait, let me finish...

"I remember something else as well"

Words : 928

𝓜𝔂 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓱𝓾𝓼𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭  [4 shot] •|BEOMGYU - TXT|•Where stories live. Discover now