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"I remember something else as well"

You : w--what's it?
Beomgyu : ... Are you pregnant?
You : .... No!!
Beomgyu : don't lie, I already warned.
You : it's just your thoughts, I am not!
Beomgyu : y/n!! I am right on my senses now, I clearly remember everything.


You : but I am not pregnant!! Who said?
Beomgyu : I SAID STOP LYING!!!!!!

He slammed his hands on the wall beside him real hard making you flinch the shit of you. You gulped and push beomgyu A-side...

You : let me use the bathroo-

He hold your wrist and pulled you back to your position making you hiss by the grip.

Beomgyu : answer me first...!
You : I am not pregnant!
Beomgyu : ..... Are you afraid?
You : why?

Beomgyu slid his hand to his pocket and get something out. Your eyes winded...

You : whose is this?

A pregnancy test!

Beomgyu : stop acting fool! You know it's yours... Care to explain?
You : i-... *gulp*

You looked down... Beomgyu hold your chin made you look at him...

Beomgyu : I am not tryna scold you... But I am your husband, you are my wife. You should share it with me. I know you can't bcz of my bitch behaviour but... Yk without even 1% love I won't say yes to this marriage, remember? I am not stupid!

Your lips trembled by the soft gyu, your eyes filled in with tears. Beomgyu walked close putting the test on the table behind you. He hold your cheeks and wipe the tears tearing down.

Beomgyu : I know... Stop crying it's a good thing, right?
You : i- gyu...! *shuttering and crying*
Beomgyu : look... I might be cold and rude... It's bcz of the people surrounding me. Not you obviously. I love you y/n. My love for you isn't a joke! I can't just express it, that's it!

That's it, you burst into tears. You hugged you crying on him as he embraced you. Rubbing your back. He kissed the top of your head.

You : gyu it's been a year since we are married and I know the time has skipped but... I am not ready..
Beomgyu : honey... If a girl is married and they are not ready for something they should be ready... It's bcz of their husband. A wife need her husband's full support. A husband needs a wifes full love which you are giving me but I can't...

Beomgyu : I am a bitch... Y/n... I totally am... It's bcz of I can't afford you my love... I can't... But I am trying but still acting like a bitch. I am hurting you, I hurted and I don't think I can heal that... *teary eyes and kissed your forehead*

You : are you not mad?
Beomgyu : for why? To become a dad?
You : I thought... You wou-
Beomgyu : as I told you right now... I needed time and space to clear everything and it took so long. It's my fault, come...

He embraced you again rubbing and humming for you. You gripped his coat feeling what he should had gave you early...

Beomgyu : is my princess currently happy? Want to become  a mom? *tease smile*
You : stop!!
Beomgyu : *laughs* .... I hurted you... Still you forgive me... ?
You : that's what we are meant for... Do you know if there is love, then there is hate and fight... That's the perfect love...

Beomgyu smiled and kissed your lips making you stumble back at the sudden moment. He picked you up placed you in the table moving the test on the table backwards.

Words : 589

𝓜𝔂 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓱𝓾𝓼𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭  [4 shot] •|BEOMGYU - TXT|•Where stories live. Discover now