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It's the last part!! 😚😭🦋

Time skip : night

You are in the kitchen arranging the table managing the food waiting for beomgyu. This morning he couldn't eat but he said he will eat dinner.

Suddenly someone back hugged you making you flinch...

Beomgyu : mah moonlight?

You blushed by the nickname your husband gaved you.

You : mh..? *shy*

Beomgyu : what's for dinner?
You : rice, kimchi, meet and bear ofcourse with dessert!!
Beomgyu : Oooooooooooo!!!
You : don't drink much!
Beomgyu : nope... Is the food ready?
You : yeah, go get freshed up.

Beomgyu turned you around and came closer to your ears. His one hand on your side waist and one on your side boob.

Beomgyu : wanna join? *whisper*

You hit him playfully with shy smile, he kissed your nose and patted your head...

Time skip - night - 12:00 AM

Beomgyu is layed down with you on top of him. You both are cuddling while saying random things they missed past 1 year. You are playing with his fingers.

Suddenly a thunder thud giving you a quick heart attack. Beomgyu chuckled and continued patting your head and you continued playing with his fingers.

The clouds let the tears down he hold for a month. Your eyes got fixed outside through balcony. Beomgyu's eyes were fixed on you thinking how lucky god made him to have you.

He made you get up and so he as well.

Beomgyu : do you wanna play in the rain?
You : can I? *curious*

He grabbed your wrist and rushed downstairs and run outside. The cold water aparted you both. Beomgyu splash the mud water by his leg on you. You smiled cutely and did the same as beomgyu did. You both played and at final be pulled you to him... Your eyes fixed on each other's.

His hands sneakily get inside your crop tops to your inner. He rubbed your side boob and kissed you all of a sudden...

You both danced in the rain like a rainy couples. He sang for you, you annoyed him, he hited you, you both expressed the love you both wanted for the past one year. It feel like your life is finally completed...

"Love is something to learn your lessons from but not

for everyone. You should learn how to love properly

and know why love exist... It exist for a reason which

you still haven't figured out, that's when you are hurt!!"



words - 412

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𝓜𝔂 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓱𝓾𝓼𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭  [4 shot] •|BEOMGYU - TXT|•Where stories live. Discover now