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Yes, war never changes. (school has been holding me from continuing this story)

"So uh... Wales.": V1.

"Yes?": Wales.

"Can i finally kill them? Y'know, cuz it's war?": V1.

"Hm... Just the Siren, if they even appear.": Wales.

"good enough.": V1.

V1 begin to check its weaponry.

They travelled until night...

"There, I've set it up for you. It's all up to you now, Akagi."

"Heavenly wind, stop the passage within the clouds. the heavenly maidens... Must remain on earth!": Akagi.

Then some type of symbol glows on the floor, and the sky above the Azur Lane fleet begins to emanate a red lightning. Feeling something will happened, V1 quickly grab the blue and red variant of the revolver, then suddenly, they are teleported to some kind of... Siren place? there's a bunch of red line all over the island and a red star-like thing in the sky (dunno how to explain that star lookin' mf), then a bunch of Low-tier Siren begin appearing who is being led by Akagi

"Welcome to my sea, Azur Lane. I welcome you all.": Akagi.

Then the battle begins. The Sirens begin to fire their cannon and their jet begin to fly.

"Go forth, royal soldiers!": Queen Elizabeth.

With the Queen order, the Azur Lane begin to fight back. V1 begin to dash at incredible speed reaching the Siren fleet in just a matter of second, it charge its piercer revolver and shoot one of the Siren ship, it switch to the over pump shotgun and pump it three times and dash to the middle of the Siren ship and shoot it. The shot is no longer a concentrated heat but an explosion that is big enough to explode the ship in half, it continue to do this to every Siren ship and if a shells is coming to its direction, it will shot it with the piercer revolver and the cycle repeat. Until the Sakura Empire showed themself, where they start to form a line or a defensive front. A good strategy for defending. However, forming a defensive line in a middle of the sea has its flaw, escpecially when they are ATTACKING not DEFENDING (Source: ChatGPT). Even as a suprise attack... I mean come on, they are already fighting the stupid mass-produce Siren, and V1 is there to prove this to the Sakura fleet that this tactic is ineffective.

"Dumbass really think we can't aim.": V1.

V1 pulled the marksman revolver and toss a coin in the air above it, switching to the knuckleblaster and blast the coin into the sky, switching to the core eject shotgun and eject the core of the shotgun into the Sakura fleet at high speed. And lastly, when the core almost reached the Sakura fleet, it throws a coin in the air, switch to the malicious railcannon and shoot the coin. the malicious beam ricochet of the first coin and goes into the sky, reaching where the second coin is.

"Now... Let me savor this.": Akagi.

Both fleet draw their weapon but then Atago notice a yellow ball coming toward them, while the core fly toward them, the malicious beam fall from sky and when it hit the core, it created...

An orbital strike (more commonly known as the "nuke"). the "nuke", as you would expected by the name, created a big explosion. Big enough to almost reach the right side of the Sakura fleet. Although, canonically, this has the potential to kill the shipgirls. But for plot purpose, they will survive.

"What the!?": Kaga.

"What!?": Akagi.

"Tch-": Kaga said, then she look around to see who could potentially created the "nuke", then she spotted V1 coming toward their fleet. She send her planes to stop V1, But is interrupted by Enterprise planes shooting at her.

"Grey ghost... Tch, i'll deal with you later.": Kaga said, then she send some of her planes to distract V1.

"I don't know who created that blast, but i'm glad it isn't directed to us.": Enterprise thought (i think this is the first time i did this thought stuff).

Oh, and the Azur lane didn't attack 'em, they are too stunned to move (plot purpose).

V1, not wanting to waste time, just ignore Kaga planes and goes directly to her. But unfortunately, Kaga has already jump onto her planes and chase Enterprise, with Kaga out of its reach, it had nothing to do, it look down to the damage it has caused just by making an explosion. Many of the Sakura Empire girls are on their knees, many are confused, those who didn't got caught by the explosion or has minimal damage, is helping others to stand. One of the girls, specificly Zuikaku, notice V1 looking at them.

"Tch- So you did this?!": Zuikaku said while trying to stand, but failed and loses balance.

"Calm down Zuikaku-san, you are in no shape to fight.": Shoukaku.

"yea, calm down.": V1.

"How can i Nee-san?!": Zuikaku.

"If we fight it now, we will surely loses!": Shoukaku.


"And i don't want to loses you too...": Shoukaku.

"Don't worry about being killed, i'm not programed to kill girls like you.": V1.

"What?": Zuikaku.

"Oh wait, i completely forgot.": V1 said before turning around to face Belfast and Akagi fighting.

"I'm comin'": V1.

"Enterprise-sama!": Belfast.

"Wot?": V1.

V1 turn around and sees that Enterprise is falling down into the sea.

"Oh crap.": V1.

When V1 is about to save Enterprise, Akagi shoot it with a barrage of bullet.

"Don't think you can run away so easily!": Akagi.

"Did you forget that i wiped your fleet?": V1.

"Try me, i could take on two people~": Akagi.

"... Wait wha-

Suddenly a white beam appear at Enterprise location, suprising both fleet, including V1.

"So you've awakened."

"I guess it's you again."

"In this world as well, you are the key... or perhaps someone who created that explosion..."

"Enterprise... will the one who created that huge explosion be your rival?"

Then the beam becomes bigger until eventually, everyone that is in the battlefield got consumed. Excluding Akagi and Enterprise who is floating and facing eachother, they had their epic "you won't get in my way" stuff and then opps, the screen goes black. gotta wait for the next episode.

The Siren Killer (ultrakill X azur lane)Where stories live. Discover now