Poseidon's Daughter

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Harmony arrived in a room bigger than the entire Machitís Base standing next to the blonde haired, apparent daughter of Poseidon, Pearl.

The room was split in two, one side was covered in blues and greens with a massive bed, closet, desk, and even a gods damned swimming pool.

The other side was largely untouched with only the basic necessities and Harmony assumed it was meant for her.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Your my roommate and my cousin. I figured we should get to know each other."

"I can't say I've told good things about my cousins before and I don't think I'd be friends with any of them. How are you any different?"

First off I'm not the child of Zeus. That man gives all his kids his inflated sense of ego." Harmony snickered slightly at that before Pearl continued. "And besides I happen to think what they did to you and your father is completely ridiculous. I mean we're gods, he's hardly the first to make a mistake, and by mistake I mean upset our dear uncle. I want to get to know you."

While Harmony was a little skeptical she couldn't help smiling. It would help to have at least one ally here and a goddess would be a lot more helpful and a lot less judgy when it came to helping her friends.

"Very well. Let's talk. Get acquainted."

"Did you really have no powers on the isle?"

"I course I'd didn't. That's kind of the point."

Pearl shuddered. "I don't know how you survived. I grew up using magic for everything." She grinned suddenly her smile instant putting Harmony on edge. "I could teach you."

"Teach me what?"

"How to use magic. I mean you can learn the basics on your own but there are some things you want a teacher for." The grin she gave Harmony was positively mischievous and she couldn't help but smirk in return.

"Only if you allow me to teach you how to perform simple life skills using no magic at all."

"We have a deal."

They sat down on Pearl's bed and Harmony got prepared to learn all about magic. "What can you already do?"

"Not much. I haven't exactly had time to try. I've just learned one trick." Harmony allowed her hair to burst into flames and her eyes to go a deep shade of blue.

"Neat, but we can do better. Your dad can turn invisible using a helm right."

Harmony nodded forcing herself not to glance back at the bag she thrown near the bed where she was keeping her dad's precious helm.

"I'm going to teach you how to use the shadows to make yourself invisible." And for the next two hours that's what she did. She taught Harmony to use her emotions and anger to control the shadows. And Harmony had plenty of anger.

Then it was her turn. "I'm going to assume you already know how to fight."

Pearl scoffed. "I'm a goddess. They teach us how to fight when we're toddlers."

"Well then you can pick to learn lock-picking, pick-pocketing, or how to spy on someone."

"These are simple life skills?" Pearl questioned.

"They're the first thing that we teach the kids on the isle. They help you to survive."

"I suppose I'll go with lock-picking then." Harmony flashed a quick grin before pulling her lock picks out of her hair and handing Pearl her extra pair.

"You keep lock picks in your hair."

"Of course, you never know when you're going to have to break into a building." After another hour and a half Harmony deems her adequate on lock picking.

With nothing better to do the two decided to spend the rest of the night having a little fun with their new skills.

Pearl walked up to the dorm room and started picking the lock. As she swung it open Harmony cloaked the two in shadows leaving the Prince inside the question how his door was opened.

I never trust a narcissist
But they love me
So I play 'em like a violin
And I make it look oh so easy
'Cause for every lie I tell them
They tell me three
This is how the world works
Now all he thinks about is me

Harmony had never met Chad but Pearl has expressed her deep dislike at the obnoxious narcissistic boy so Harmony was more than happy to mess with him. Apparently he kept flirting with her and wouldn't take no as an answer. She intended to change that.

She walked over to his desk and swiped her shadowy had causing the contents to fall on the ground and Chad to jump in fear.

I can feel the flames on my skin
Crimson red paint on my lips
If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing
I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming

Pearl walked over to his closet pulling out a suit. Chad watched in horror as it was shredded to pieces.

They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?
Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good

Harmony controlled the shadows making them rustle the curtains as if the wind had picked up.

I never trust a playboy
But they love me
So I fly him all around the world
And I let them think they saved me
They never see it comin'
What I do next
This is how the world works
You gotta leave before you get left

Pearl tapped on the ground causing Chad to try to reach her but she moved out of the way every time.

I can feel the flames on my skin
He says, "Don't throw away a good thing"
But if he drops my name, then I owe him nothin'
And if he spends my change, then he had it comin'

Harmony used to shadows to push him slightly causing him to trip and fall on the ground.

They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?
Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good
It just felt so good

They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one
They got their pitchforks and proof

Their receipts and reasons
They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one

Harmony pulled the room into pitch darkness causing Chad to rush to the light switch only to find it didn't work.

So light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)
Light me up, go ahead and light me up (light me up)
Light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)
Light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)

They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?

Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good

Pearl grabbed her hand and the two teleported back to their room leaving Chad in fear.

Oh, you say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good, good?
So bad, why's it feel so good?
Why's it feel, why's it feel so good? (Bad)
It just felt so good, good

Harmony and Pearl collapsed on their beds in a fit of giggles. "Goodnight Harmony."

"Goodnight Pearl."

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