Redemial Goodness 101

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Harmony walked into the class with disgust. She couldn't believe they had created a class for goodness.

That was a lie. She could definitely believe it. It was just like them.

She was sitting in a chair as far away from the VK's as possible. The questions were ridiculously dumb and she was having fun asking as many questions about them as possible.

If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A) curse it, B) lock it in a tower, C) give it a bottle, or D) carve or it's heart."

Obviously if someone gave her a baby she'd take them back to the Machitís Base and give them to Cora or one of the other Caregivers but for some reason that wasn't an option.

Evie raised her hand to ask what the second one was causing Harmony to roll her eyes and raise her hand.

The Fairy Godmother seemed reluctant to call on her but finally did. "Harmony."

"What's in the bottle. Because if it's poison or the water from the Isle or some sort of other strange liquid it really isn't safe to give to a baby? Also is the tower keeping it safe because someone wants to kill it? Or is the curse inevitable because the baby was destined for a horrible fate? What if the baby doesn't have a heart? And why is the person giving you the baby in the first place?"

"As I've explained many times these aren't trick questions. Answer them as they seem."

"In that case I'm going with E) none of the above."

The Fairy Godmother sighed. "Mal."

"C) give it a bottle," Mal said looking up.

"Correct. Again."

"You are on fire girl," Carlos told Mal looking way more impressed than he should be.

Mal shrugged. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

Harmony scowled in disbelief. They thought carving a babies heart out sounded fun. Babies were a joy. Harmony helped talking care of many at the Machitís Base and she loved each and every one.

Another girl entered the room, dressed in light blue and and scurrying quickly as if that would help her avoid them.

"Hello dear one," the Fairy Godmother addressed her.

"Hi. You need to sign off on the early dismissal for coronation." The girl was moving constantly clearing on edge around the villains.

"Everyone remembers my daughter, Jane."

"Mom," she hissed nervously.

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone."

"Hi, that's okay, don't mind me, as you were." She rushed out of the room as if she were going to turn to stone if she stayed any longer.

"Let's continue. You find a vial of poison do you A) put it in the king's wine, B) paint it on an apple, or C) turn it into the proper authorities."

Seeing hands shoot into the air Harmony started talking without being called on. "Is the apple being given to your enemy or just a really annoying kid? Is the king a good person or is he better off dead? What kind of poison is it? Does it kill or just make you ill? And if it kills is it fast acting or slow. Also how do you know the authorities are good people, they could be shape-shifters or just morally bad people. I'm going to have to go with D) keep it to myself."

She'd probably give it to Harley. If there was anyone who knew how to put poison to use it would her. The thought shot a pang in her chest. It hadn't even been a full day and she already missed her desperately.

The Fairy Godmother didn't even acknowledge her this time instead turning to Jay.

"C) turn it over to the proper authorities."

"I was going to say that."

Harmony turned away ignoring their wrestling match until they were finally allowed the leave the godsforsaken class.


Harmony rushed towards the biggest tree she could finding hoping it was the one Pearl meant.

She grinned as she saw the blonde hair peeking out from the other side of the tree.

She slumped down into the grass beside her. Pearl looked up grinning at her. "How was Goodness class?"

"It was awful. We just went thought a bunch of random scenarios. I made it fun though. I just asked a bunch of random questions about the scenarios to make them more complicated. I think the Fairy Godmother wanted to punch me."

Pearl snorted. "I would pay to see that."

"She would never be able to hit me."

"But it'd be fun to watch her try."

Pearl looked at her as if trying to see her reaction to something before finally speaking. "What did you do on the Isle? Who did you hang out with? I mean the rest of the Isle Kids are so close but you're-"

"Not. I know. They are such horrible people and I've always hated them. We're goddesses and I know that technically means we're above all the mortals I wasn't raised that way. My best friend since I was six, Harley, she's the daughter of the huntsman. Unknown, unheard of. But she was so brave, and daring, and smart, and strong and we connected instantly. We both hated the injustices of the isle, so we decided to do something about it."

Pearl continued to listen without interruption causing Harmony to continue.

"We created the Forgotten Legion. A group based on those 4 founding principles. A group for kids with no other home. We helped raise them and my dad allowed our tunnels to their home of a sort."

Harmony thought of the Machitís Base wistfully wishing she could be back with the kids. "It wasn't much but it allowed them to live and to be happy or at least happier than they'd be otherwise. And on the Isle that's the best you got."

"Well I hope they get off of that Isle. In fact I hope the whole wretched thing is destroyed."

Harmony smiled. "I very much agree."

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