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*Content Warning if you have been abused or harassed, or in trapped in a religious organization/brain washed situation this may not be for you. 

My name is Ashley and in the year 2017 I decided to work at Tender Times Child Development Center. I will not disclose the location city or state. I was 19 years old when I started my position with the center and 25 when it came to an end. 

Through this story you are going to see a a lot of changes in Directors/Managers of the childcare center that I worked for. I will try to right a detailed timeline of events to the best of my knowledge as I witness every reason as to why they were no longer employed. You will also see a large shift in employees. 

Most name in church members and Directors will be changed do to their previous threats and police involvement. 

This is not only my story but the story of the other SEVEN employees that were police escorted out of the building on our last day. 

Everything was reported to state

There were no cameras in the building till after 2020

Here's OUR story.

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