Emma Myers

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Y/n and Emma were at the fair, enjoying the colorful lights and various attractions. As they walked through the bustling crowds, the noise from the rides and games grew overwhelming for Y/n. He suddenly felt his heart race and struggled to catch his breath, his anxiety building into a panic attack.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Emma asked, she noticed his distress and immediately took his hand, guiding him to a quieter area away from the loud noises.

Y/n hesitated, trying to keep it together, but the overwhelming noise and chaos triggered a panic attack. His heart raced, breathing grew shallow, and he clutched his chest.

She, gently took Y/n's hands in hers. "Hey, it's alright, Y/n. I'm here with you. Just focus on your breathing, okay?"

Emma coached him through deep breaths, her soothing voice helping him regain control. Slowly, the panic subsided, and Y/n's breathing steadied.

"I'm sorry, Emma," Y/n whispered, embarrassment coloring his cheeks.

Emma smiled warmly. "Don't apologize. We all have our moments. Let's take it easy for a while, find something calm to do. How about we grab some cotton candy?"

Y/n nodded, grateful for her understanding. With Emma by his side, the fair held a new kind of magic, not just in the bright lights and loud noises, but in the caring support that helped him enjoy the evening despite his anxiety.


Requested by c0rvvu510
So sorry for the late oneshot, I was focusing on published book/drafts.

Last time I checked this book had almost 4k. WHEN DID THEY TURN INTO 7K????

I'm so grateful for all the requests, likes and every reader! I really appreciate it! Tysm!

My Scream books are flopping and i don't really have a lot of motivation, so they might get unpublished.

But I wanna write a book instead of that, and I'll let you guys choose!

These are the options:

Exile- Kate Bishop

Daylight- Nini Salazar-Roberts

I wanna be yours- Hailee Steinfeld

Back to December- Olivia Rodrigo

Paper rings- Hermione Granger

Please don't hesitate to write in the comments which one you would like to read.

Hope you're all doing good!

Peace out✌️

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