Chapter 8

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A/N: The video above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on YouTube.

Meanwhile ... ...

Win's POV

Ever since I broke up with Bright a few months ago I have been kicking myself for making such a stupid decision. I miss him so bad and I want to see him again but I do not know how he will react to me if I tried to contact him.

He has probably hooked up with his ex boyfriend Ben again. I don't blame him though. Ben is the cutest, smartest, most good looking guy on this planet. Bright would not be able to resist him if he were to make a play for Bright and try to get him back.

Some people have mentioned that I look a little bit like Ben. That's probably why Bright took an instant attraction to me when we first met at a mutual friend's birthday party.

I remember at that time how I totally felt guilty for encouraging Bright to spend time with me until such time when I asked him if he was serious about me, what was he gonna do with Ben.

To my great surprise he had replied. "Than I guess I must do the right thing by him and tell him that I have found someone else to love."

Bright is not aware of it, but one of his team mates at work is my friend and I have asked him to keep tabs on Bright after we had broken up.

My friend's latest news on Bright was that they were going on a trip to the beach today to reward themselves for a whole week of hard work and all nighters just to reach a client's deadline.

I glanced at the digital clock on my night stand.

It was now way past eight o'clock at night.

I was certain that their beach party was over. Bright should be home by now. Unless they had planned for a two day affair.

Anyway, I asked myself, what harm would it do me to try to call Bright. Who knows, maybe he misses me too.

I went through the names on my Favorites List on my phone and tapped on Bright's number.

I listened nervously as I heard the ringing on the other end.

I was about to end the call when on the sixth ring, an unfamiliar male voice who sounded like he had been running several miles, said breathlessly on the phone "This is Bright's phone. Who shall I say is calling?"

I dropped my phone like it was a burning coal.

Was that Ben's voice? Did I interrupt a lovemaking session between him and Bright?

I picked up my phone from my thickly carpeted floor and suppressed the urge to smash it against my bedroom wall.

So much for hoping that Bright and I could get together again.

I set my phone down beside my digital clock on my night stand before climbing into bed.

I pressed two fingers on the left side of my chest. My emotional pain had transformed itself into physical pain. I massaged my chest gently and prepared myself for a sleepless night ahead.

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