Chapter 4

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When she returned home from school in the evening Remita was just about ready to fall into a deep state of sleep

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When she returned home from school in the evening Remita was just about ready to fall into a deep state of sleep. She was so close to falling on her bed when her mother barged into her room, her face red with anger.

On instinct all the hairs on her body stood and her heart practically jumped out of her body. Does she know?

Always when her mother came looking like this she feared that maybe she had been caught. Plus with Vincent the golden boy knowing her secret she became extra aware and paranoid of who else might know.

"I just got a call from your headmaster that you skipped class today," her mother said.

Instantly she released a breath she didn't know she was holding. All clear.

"Won't you say anything before I give you a good punishment right now."

She dropped her bag on her bed and flexed her shoulders to ease the pain there. "I'm sorry mommy. I had a running stomach so I spent the whole period in the bathroom. In fact I still feel like going again."

At least her mother's frown disappeared but she still didn't look happy. "Next time just take permission first or tell someone that you're not going to be present. Haba, nobody could even find you, he said."

"It's okay mommy. I don't feel well sef. I just want to sleep."

"Sleep after you eat and take medicine, oh. School just started and they're already packing you people with work," with that her mother turned away, fussing about how she's neglecting her health.

I hope you forgive me mommy.

As per her routine Remita turned her room light off and grabbed her phone which was charging from the chord. The clock beside her read twelve forty am, everyone was fast asleep except her.

Vincent's voice sounded in her mind the moment she was about to go to YouTube. It was like having an inner battle against yourself. Against everything you're known to be. It hurt so much because her mind kept telling her to do it.

Just do it and start tomorrow. Watch small and stop.

These were her thoughts as she stared at her screen.

Remita closed her eyes and for the first time in how many years prayed.

"Lord help me to overcome. Help me to resist my flesh. Grant me strength even though I am not worthy of it."

It was a simple prayer but enough to take away the heavy feeling in her heart. She relaxed immediately, feeling light and happy for putting this temptation into God's hands. She felt like for once she was doing the right thing.

That night Remita felt a strong conviction to do away with anything that would tempt her. She deleted her social media accounts, her YouTube app and deleted all her web history and saved sites. Everything was gone.

But deep down she felt like so far as she had her phone her problems won't disappear.

The next day caused another uproar in school but for a completely different matter. Remita is still the topic of interest.

"Ei what happened to bring out about this sudden change my Reverend sister?" Alfred joked.

"I'm on his side this time. What happened to your skirt?" Jericho asked.

Remita looked down at her skirt that now reached below her knee. "What's wrong with it?"

"It's.... It's just unlike you. What happened?"

She hissed. "Can't a girl change choice again or what? You want me to parade my body for everyone to see abi? Friend indeed."

"Ah ah relax now I was just joking," said Alfred. "Where's Operah sef? Let her come and calm you down."

Jericho pulled her closer to the corner once Alfred left saying he can't handle her mood. "What's the deal with you eh?"

Remita crossed her arm over her chest and turned her head defiantly. "You people should leave me alone. I'm trying something new. Why? Is it bad? Am I ugly now or what? Explain."

"Calm down, calm down. You know I think you're beautiful no matter what you wear but I prefer you without—" Jericho inched closer to her, his voice dropping an octave as he used that tone that ignited something in her.

Here is an offer. Opened plainly for her. She was beginning to lose control when Vincent interrupted them.

"Can I borrow her?" He asked without waiting for a response then dragged her away.

They walked silently to the rooftop to avoid morning assembly. "Thank you."

"You should cut ties with him." Vincent said straight forward. "Otherwise you'll not help yourself overcome this."

"He's my friend. I can't just cut ties with someone I've known for six years now. How is that possible?"

"Is it because he gives you what you want?"

She understood his question perfectly and got angry about it. "You can't tell me what to do with my life."

"Second lesson. Don't compromise on sin. Just do away with it. In the end it's still sinning."

"Should we even be up here?"

"Don't worry, I have permission. We're not breaking the rules," he said. "I have an idea but you won't like it."

"What is it?"

"Why don't you give me your phone to keep for the week. Then you can have it back on weekends and during the week I can check on what you used it for during the weekend. No deleting of web history, I will know. Then after school we can meet at any place and have fun. Just a normal after school hangout to ease you a bit. I even know a group of people that gather around twice a week to share their problems and seek advice. Of course they're from my church so you can trust their advice."

She chewed on her fingernails. "Giving you my phone is like giving away my life. It's hard. And I don't think my mom will allow me to hang out after school, talk more of with a boy."

"Let's test it out first okay? Keep an open mind." He glanced at her, "I like your skirt by the way."

Remita hissed and started walking towards the door. "Assembly is over, let's go."

Vincent tried to stifle his laugh, "I'm sorry," he just burst out laughing. "It's your response that's making me laugh."

Remita ignored him as she walked hastily to her class.

He still ran after her, stopping her before she could enter her class which was different from his because he offered science and she offered arts.

"Hey I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He tilted his head and smiled. Crowd of students had started to pour into the school so he leaned and whispered in her ear, "After school, meet me at the second gate. I want to take you to the group meeting I spoke about."

He stretched his palm for her to place her phone in it. Remita hissed, took her phone from her pocket and gave it to him.

Vincent smiled broadly this time. "See you after school."

Meanwhile the whole student body couldn't believe their precious Vincent was talking to someone like Remita for the second time.

Temptation: Remita's taleWhere stories live. Discover now