ch 6

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At mid night.


I wasn't able to sleep thinking about lexi. She reminds of... Uh. Her past is just so horrific. Even she is in pain now. And I can't even help her. Let me check her once.

I went to her room and slowly tried to open her door. It was open so I came inside quietly but when I saw her-
She had curved like a ball. She didn't noticed me.

Lexi- ahhhh....appa help me...(low)

I slowly went to her and hugged her.

Lexi- a-appa?

Jk- shhh... Calm down. I'm here hmm? I'll help you.

I sat myself on the bed and set her on my lap. After permission, takin off her shirt I started rubbing her belly softly.  After 10 mins I got tired so I stopped for a sec.

Lexi- appa, it's okay, don't worry about me.

Jk- no no. Tell where else pain?

Lexi- N-no nothin...

Jk- tell me...

Lexi- t-thighs a-nd b-br-bre...

Jk- breast?

Lexi- uh yeah... (Looked down)

I sighed and laid her down. I got up and started to leave but then-

Lexi- appa where are u going? Stay pls...

Jk- what's the point when your not even comfortable with me? So it's better I leave...

Lexi- don't go, stay... (Low)

Jk- pls try to be comfortable with me. I'm not forcing u but I'm your dad.

Lexi- I am... (Hugged him)

She laid down and removed her bra. I didn't say anything but she did it herself. Starting to massage her breast. She screamed a bit suggesting me to slow down. It was difficult but still I managed. Later I massaged her thighs and then again her belly.

When I saw her relaxed I was about to say something but saw her sleeping. I continued massaging and I don't even know when I slept!

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